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Human and labour rights lawyer Dan Kovalik visits Donbass amid Russian advance

Daniel Kovalik (born 1968) is an American human rights, labor rights lawyer and political activist. He previously taught International Human Rights at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.

Kovalik received the David W. Mills Mentoring Fellowship from Stanford University School of Law. He was the recipient of the Project Censored Award for his article exposing the unprecedented killing of trade unionists in Colombia.

He has written extensively on the issue of international human rights and US foreign policy for the CounterPunch and The Huffington Post and has lectured throughout the world on these subjects.

More on Dan >>> []

A recent appearance on RT from a Rumble page, Human and labour rights lawyer Dan Kovalik visits Donbass amid Russian advance

He goes into his most recent visit to Donbass and some insight on the Israeli assaults on Gaza and Lebanon. What is the US really doing about this multi-front war? What we don't get from our medias. How are our medias treating these conflicts in? According to Dan, we are shipping military supplies to Israel every 16 hours! It gives the perception that after every two shifts of an 8 hour period, ammunitions and or weapons manufactured are being shipped from the factory to an airport then right to Israel. Do you even know what the Donbass was/is? What the people of the Donbass want? Do you know when the war actually began for them? A war we've thrown 100s of billions in over ten years now that we need much more here at home than supporting falsely manufactured wars. Especially in regards for supporting a fascist ideology our families fought against in WWll!


I've been following Dan's work for several years. He makes many appearances on the various news talk shows and news sites I use who conduct interviews with specialist. If you're interested in following his work >>> []

I took the liberty of picking out a couple other things from him to add here. A discussion he was a part of on >>> US Intervention in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela It describes the means the US takes when interfering in other nation affairs. Quite frankly, this shouldn't be new to many. I realize it's long, but at least give it some time to get the gist.

How history is turned into a weapon to falsely manage our perceptions.

{Today marks the 78th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by the Soviet Union, but Russia is not invited to the Commemoration — how such historical denial is leading us closer to nuclear war.}

But Ukraine is invited. Those who are currently running the country of Ukraine that a large part of today glorify those who committed the genocides against the Polish, Jewish, Slavic, and their own citizenship and crimes against those put in the camps are welcome!?! Fucking insanity!


William_Mary 8 Oct 13
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