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Don't Deify Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter may have done good works out of office, but in power he fomented a series of domestic and foreign policy disasters.

This, That or the Other Carter

But Carter’s years as an ex-president should not mask his dogged service to the empire, penchant for fomenting disastrous proxy wars, betrayal of the Palestinians, embrace of punishing neoliberal policies and his subservience to big business when he was in office.


I've taken a lot of flak over the years for speaking about Carter in realistic terms. The likes of Noam Chomsky. Ralph Nader. There's a short list. Just yesterday actually in regards to a meme post of Chomsky in a facehack eco group. Intellectual discourse exposing hypocrisy is tough for many to swallow though. Chris brings up the never, if rarely, told Afghan case of the late 70s I've often attempt to educate people of. What you do hear a lot about is the failed mission that the right often use against him though. Ask yourself, why, though. With all the intellectual pieces properly in place, you might come to the conclusion, it helps to hide the essential question being held behind the curtain of illusions. The curtain made by the manufacturer---Divisive. A company within the corporation of Division. When you mention his fascistic correlations, his glorifiers can't handle facts which keep us divided.

{Carter fell under the disastrous influence of his Svengali-like national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Polish exile, who rejected the Nixon-Kissinger reliance on détente with the Soviet Union. Brzezinski’s life’s mission, one that meant he saw the world in black and white, was to confront and destroy the Soviet Union along with any government or movement he deemed to be under communist influence or sympathetic to it.}

Not only was he a Polish exile, he has close ties to the Ukrainian fascist structure in the US and Canada. Brzezinski mentioned in an article of Moss Robeson where you can find within that he was a speaker at one of their events. As I have indicated before, if you want a detailed source of information of how influential Ukrainian fascism is on our congresses and judicial system, Robeson's Bandera Lobby Blog is the source to be following. The mentioned article --- []

You can also find more on Brzezinski at Consortium News ---- []

Chris goes on to list a number of highly questionable actions Carter was manipulated into.

{Carter had a decency most politicians lack, but his moral crusades, which came once he was out of power, seem like a form of penance. His record as president is bloody and dismal, although not as bloody and dismal as the presidents who followed. That’s the best we can say of him.}

My adage. Never sell out your personal ethics and moral compass. Beware those who will preach right from wrong, then lead you astray. Since coming to this site, I've been bewildered to the amount of those who turn away from organized religion seeing this negative aspect on our societies, but fail miserably in regards to the political and media arenas. Where on an analogical virtually we witness the very same deceptive chaotic state between good and evil. Where good is spoken, while evil lurks behind the curtain, evil ultimately underscores the reality. History be dammed.

William_Mary 8 Dec 30
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My biggest complaint while serving under Carter was his micromanagement. The nuclear engagement review which is due 6 months after taking office was 3 months late, The revisions to the basic plan were pretty basic, changing weapons faster than Nixon/Ford had planned, but the changes to the other nuclear operational plans were monumental. He out Kissingered Kissenger. Plans that had been only shells, now were fleshed out.

The Soviet grain embargo was one of his first failures, punishing American farmers much more than the Soviets.

Overall his presidency was mediocre, but he did broker the peace between Israel and Egypt and his post presidency was exceptional.

glennlab Level 10 Dec 30, 2024

I assure you that multiple advisers had influence over his nuclear and weapons decisions. I assure you his advisers had advisers in their ears. Today they're called lobbyist. As indicated in the multiple articles provided to be observed. There isn't to many presidents who manage to micromanage our policies, domestic and especially foreign. When the few have attempted to do so, we see a sense of a chaotic nature as we find with Trump. Administrations are a conglomerate of cabinet picks developed from corporations on multiple levels including think tanks and NGOs, along with intelligence. In which agendas are the underling background to be accomplished. In which when you research the backgrounds of these cabinet picks, they lead to corporations, think tanks, and NGOs who dictate particular goals they want to reach. You simply have to follow the right sources who expose them and the results of their actions. Their interactions with our medias. How the medias allow them to interact with them. When you apply all of these characteristics, the facade is exposed.

@William_Mary I have been involved in politics/government all my life, you don't have to explain how it works. You are wrong about trump being a micromanager, he doesn't manage at all but gives general directions and expects staff to just make it happen, the laws and rules be damned. The charge of Carter being a micro manger when it came to the nuclear review came from the head of nuclear planning for SAC, who had direct contact with Carter during the review/planning process. This was his third review process, so he had been through the process before. There are very few people that have access to the TS/SCI/SIOP planning sessions, so your broad platitudes do not apply.

@glennlab that's odd. Your new comment as a whole actually mirrors mine, just in other words. Quite frankly, the article and my commentary of it also. You can change the context all you want, but it doesn't make my remarks any less resembling of yours. As that's exactly what you did in regards to both narratives. So the question now is why you see the results so differently. First you seemingly deny the narrative of the original post by placing micromanagement on Carter, then in this latest reply support the narrative of the original post along with my commentary within different context. But yet you find a reason to challenge me when we have now seemingly arrived at the same conclusions.

I never challenged Carter as being micromanaging. The article and my adage of information and conjecture clearly indicate the involvement of others in the decision making. To a point of a sense of manipulating Carter. Manipulation is part of the context within. That can be arguable to only a degree. Whether or not he was manipulated.

And your comments on Trump are simply the same as mine under a different context. You stated the means of his development of policies and the resulting attributes of Trump I have been stating for years.

Now I have to wonder if you even took the time to comprehensively read any of the material as a whole to even be attempting to hold a genuine discussion with you. Or whether you just have some egotistic demeanor going on, and or a personal beef with me for some reason. Being you've always been combative towards my post in this site.

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