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I'm a liberal Democrat in a red state. Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who thinks.for themselves and has a brain.

Deviantmiss 4 Mar 5
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I think you have seek it out. Surround yourself with those of like mind and the encouragement will follow. With enough people doing the right thing, good things happen.

I'm in a fairly blue portion of a dead, er, red state. Ohio voters can't get out of their own way and routinely vote against their own best interest. A perfect example of that is the voters of Trumbull and Mahoning Counties voting for the current resident of the White House on the promise that he would keep the GM plant in Lordstown open. Page ahead 2+ years and the last car from that plant just rolled off the assembly line this week. Buyer's remorse doesn't begin to describe the sentiment among voters there.

Don't lose heart. History tells us that political winds change frequently. They will in Ohio and in other portions of the nation as people get wise to Republican lies.

As someone from the north of those two countries , in Ashtabula County , Ohio , I concur with this . Only in my case , not only are many of the people surrounding me Republican right , so are my family , whom I still reside with .


Hmm...kinda like being agnostic in a religious world

Canndue Level 8 Mar 8, 2019

If you're alluding to the Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz, I find that a bit of a straw man argument.

DoDapper Level 8 Mar 6, 2019



Tell me about it, I am a 63 year old native born Albertan socialist farmer.


Yeah liberal in red county

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 5, 2019

i know the feeling


I live in South Central Pennsylvania and James Carvel, when Bill Clinton was running said it well: Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Alabama in between.

Complete with its own Ku Klux Klan [] . I was born , and partially raised in Western Pennsylvania , so I know first hand what it's like .


Like minded people are out there. Don’t be shy or afraid to speak your truth. (Non confrontaionally) That’s how it spreads. Good luck.

NJSnarky Level 6 Mar 5, 2019

Although I know a few anti-Republicans, in this sate, for the most part we have that in view in common. ND, my state is by voting the 3rd greatest supporting state of tRump.


I’ve met some liberals in Oklahoma, but few activists. I hear you. I moved from NYC to Kansas. It’s lonely. But I have found some individuals and groups I can connect with. Don’t despair!

Bobbyzen Level 8 Mar 5, 2019


glennlab Level 10 Mar 5, 2019

Look for a Drinking Liberally group in your area. It helps to know there are like minded people around. You can find a list of locations on their website.

Frctnal Level 7 Mar 5, 2019

Shall we organize a rescue mission?

JimG Level 8 Mar 5, 2019

Please do and make it fast lol

@JamieLynn80 I'm in Pennsylvania in an intellectually repressed (mostly red) area of a purple state, but I do have a group of intelligent liberal friends who help keep me sane.


I saw in your bio you are in Oklahoma. My heart goes out to you! I feel your pain as I live in Texas. I have met many Democrats and progressive people here, but they all seem to keep quiet as to not bring attention to themselves. I remember one woman approaching me in the parking lot at the grocery store to tell me she liked my bumper sticker when I had one on for Wendy Davis when she ran for Governor. She said, "you're very brave. I won't put one on my car for fear it will get keyed or worse". These repubs in the South can be a nasty bunch.

Even up here in Michigan, no bumper stickers for me on the car either...

I totally agree and it's sad
I have an Impech Trump sticker on my car. I don't care who gets mad. 🙂



i'm so grateful i was born, and live in a blue state, surrounded by liberal freethinkers

Same here.

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