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Attempts by the Chinese Communist Party to further impose its will on the city have resulted in pro-democracy protests and civil disobedience, with activists most recently finding their voice in the 2014 'Umbrella Movement' which occupied large parts of Hong Kong for 79 days.
Now Hong Kongers are out on the streets again, heading out in even larger numbers this time."
If Americans began to protest like this a lot ... Would our demands be granted?

AnonySchmoose 8 June 20
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Oh hell no!

MojoDave Level 9 June 23, 2019

For the US, look to history: the early strikes and protests for labor brought about change in here - why do you thing unions have been so demonized in recent years and "patriots" now believe protest as evil, except the threat of doing so to keep guns and status quo. Anyway, change occurred out of fear, after many protesters were killed. Other things that caused change includes the veterans march on DC for promised pensions: they got them.

Except now, if things aren't large enough, the powers that be will crush or ignore.

Yes I was aware of the violence of labor demonstrations and strikes ... also the violence against the suffragette demonstrators. And there definitely are lives sacrifices when people try demanding equality. I agree the demonstrations have to be very large now, because the equipment employed against protesters is way more empowering for the powers that be. For success, protesters need to be bigger movement or coalition, and very well organized, or things could fall into chaos.


In a heartbeat..

Charlene Level 9 June 20, 2019

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! ... thank you ....


The reaction of people of Hong Kong is strong because the fear of Chinese control and punishment is very strong. Do we have that fear of govt control, random arrests, reeducation camps and authoritarian rule in the U.S.?

China will ultimately succeed in doing what it wants to. It always has. It is a matter of time.

There is no lesson for us and there is no parallel to the U.S. here.

St-Sinner Level 9 June 20, 2019

Are you a white man? I believe a lot of Americans already live under threat and "fear of govt control, random arrests, reeducation camps [ lengthy imprisonment while innocent] and authoritarian rule." I'm sorry, you are definitely entitled to your opinion but not your facts.

@AnonySchmoose Thankfully not. But white men in Southern U.S. States are paranoid. Paranoia is not the same thing as the true fear.


I don't think of the Chinese communist party as communist. It's more of a confucianist dictatorship. It's certainly not socialist.

Theresa_N Level 8 June 20, 2019

I think I can agree with that party appraisal .... not socialist either IMO too!

I would characterize the People's Republic of China as being in practice more like fascist . {[] , [] } It has an economy that is more so corporatist than anything , in terms of its " socialism with Chinese characteristics " . { [] , [] } Plus , actual Marxists are being suppressed . { [] , [] , [] , [] }. So , all in all , I find so called Communist China to be no more authentically socialist than National Socialist ruled Third Reich Germany .


Personally, I think protests are largely ineffective...

Okay .... would you like to elaborate on that ...
what do you feel would be effective?

@AnonySchmoose boycotts would be more effective where corporations are involved...
Direct communication with senators or other politicians would make a larger impact than crowds of people in the streets waving signs... Lawsuits would be more effective even if you couldn't win...

I agree about boycotts and lawsuits ... and can only be optimistic about communication with senators who are already sympathetic to my viewpoint.
I'm very skeptical about communicating with the politicians who don't have sympathy for the needs of people like me.

@AnonySchmoose communication with senators not on your side would, imo , be similar to protests 😋😜 so I would talk to those senators and others on my side of the issue.

Have done that ... communicating with senators from other states than my own would be a good idea too.

@OwlInASack I'm in America... Politicians don't really pay much attention to protests... They just wait for it to die down...

My senators are already pretty progressive, and pretty much anything I write to them, they already are doing what I hope they will do ... that is why I think maybe I should write to some from other states for a change ... I know you said you didn't think one could influence those on the other side ... yet maybe I could help influence some which are on the fence

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