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This guy seriously thinks Minnie Mouse is real, so much for atheist intelligence!!!! If Minnie Mouse is real, then God is real, checkmate dumbfuck!!!!!

Communistbitch 6 Jan 10
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Jeebus H, we all knew you had the intelligence of a slug, (sorry, slugs everywhere!)
But this, this, well, you have utterly surpassed yourself, congratulations?

Ad hominid dumb bitch, prove that the government exists.

@Communistbitch Ad hominid?
The term is I believe you are struggling for is Ad hominem meaning against the man, a common logical fallacy
Ad Hominid means against the man like creature, a Neanderthal for example, one of your kind possibly?


Oh my god, I am soooo hurt by this, boo fucking hooo.
So the works of Disney, Tolkien, Shakespeare and Dickens are all not real?
How will I ever recover from your devastating logical onslaught
You really are pitiful, and I do pity you.

So you believe in Santa Claus too?

@Communistbitch clearly can't read either.....

Look up intellectual property, abstract concepts, and mythical or fictitious entities.
It might help to stop making an even greater fool of yourself.


Micky mouse broke up with Minnie Mouse because Micky thought Minne Mouse was fucking Goofy.
Thank doG.

Never did figure out why a dog would be walking another dog.

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