4 1

They'll need to attend another family reunion !!

Redneckliberal 7 Mar 17
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Drew69 Level 7 Mar 19, 2020

the orange fool does a pretty good job of 'smearing' himself..... he only has to open his mouth


A little extreme perhaps but I have heard stupider things than that

Lucy_Fehr Level 8 Mar 18, 2020


As the time to vote for a POTUS gets close...we need to be more tolerant of our ignorant fellows..

.I've met a lot of Trump supporters.

They do seem grossly naive...but we, as agnostics....we get it.

We know they're akin to the's just a sort of personality disorder, or delusional state. They're not as stupid as you think. Let's show more empathy. We'll never win over Trump supporters if we keep posting the "hate" stuff like that. above.

Let's try understanding them.

They're just the kindly #religulous folk we know.

Robecology Level 9 Mar 18, 2020

unfortunately...theyre a cult...reason and logic escape them


Really, so you're saying all millions of people that voted for Trump are - inbreeders? that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You would have to be stupid the really believe that! Let me just iterate belief system is the definition of delusion. You are after all in an agnostic website. The Democrats are dumb so much evidence of that you'd have to be delusional not to see it.

Drew69 Level 7 Mar 18, 2020

you need to ....

@Darthpug my thought, too.

satire escapes those in the cult......obviously


two best presidents in history is Reagan and Lincoln and guess who their party was Republican maybe you ought to learn something instead of being in the Backwoods

trump loves the uneducated .....and they don't disappoint

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