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‎Sunday, ‎February ‎7, ‎2021

for those seeking to - Awaken quickly -
Listen to this Video - Every Day for 30 days -
Speak its affirmations - Every Day for 60 days -
Act upon what U Know to be its - Truth for 90 days -

and when these days have past - your Mind may be Free at last - to Create & Manifest the human U desire - to Personify as One Self -

Know ye - that which U R - as an - Individuation of GOD -
for in such Awareness is One a fully present - Soul of Love -
dwelling in a relative realm of Life as a - Spirit being human -

if One knows not - the direction - Value & Meaning of - their "future" -
then such Beings will continue to - react from & repeat - their "past" -
there-fore take ye time to envision - concieve of & contemplate -

Manifest & Create - the Person that U - desire & aspire to BE -
Who do U seek to Know Ones Self AS - while inhabiting a body -
Who R U - as an - Eternal Being Divinely - being a finite human -

so it is that U as a - Spirit being human - Create & then manifest -
the Person that U R now being thru the - expression of Ones Self -
a mortal human animal that is - Now & then - being Good & bad -
Right & wrong - Light & Dark - Happy & sad - as One Self being -
the Person U once were & Who it is U have - now Chosen to BE -

Namaste - the Eternal & Divine - ENERGY of GOD as LIFE - being -

U R an Eternal - Soul of Love - Divinely being a - Spirit of Energy -
creating & manifesting - Who U R - as a -mortal human animal -
a Creator of Life - as a form there-of - dwelling briefly there-in -
so it is that - U R & I AM - as ALL is - GOD as Energy in Life being -

give abundant consideration - contemplation & determination -
unto Who U will demonstrate to the - world that surrounds U -
in so doing does One become a - conscious Creature Creator -

Love thy Self as U would have - another Love U -
for All that is the Other is - GOD being One Self -
there-fore - Give Love - Freely & Abundantly -
and Life shall Bless U - for so doing & being -

KWATE3L < ~ >

KWAPELL7 6 Feb 16
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You hold yer breath while i do that....are you 12?

that would be a sure & certain path to - Awakening & Enlightenment -
but would also mean the death of my physical Life form - so No that won't occur -

No - that which I AM is - Ancient & Eternal - in my very -
Essence & Being - yet the human that I AM now personifying -
my Self thru is a mere 57 chronologic years of time experienced -


Dude! You need to get out more. You're losing it.

Mooolah Level 8 Mar 22, 2021

finding Ones Self - does not usually entail - "going out more" -
it is conversely most often suggested for One to "Go within" -
for when One goes within - One finds they R - Never without -


Um, how about no thanks?!

How many assumptions are there here?
Why are our minds not free?
Where does your assumption that we need awakening come from?
Where’s the support group for those that are seeing what’s happening anew and struggle?
Many of us are artists and parents, why would we be unaware of being creators?
Why do you feel you have all the answers and need to, ‘preach’, to other adults?

The weird pictures of the guy with a hole in his head just make it more creepy.

The film won’t run.

  1. OK - if that is what works for U -
  2. there R as always - many assumptions -
  3. Your mind is as "free" - as U percieve it to BE -
  4. your need for Awakening - will be Self evident -
  5. the support that U seek is - within the Being that U R -
  6. Artist & Parents R often lost in their direction & perception -
  7. I do have all the answers - I do NOT preach -I simply express Truth -
  8. the Spirit with a "hole in its head" - is merely a depiction of the 3rd eye -
  9. the film has been running for millennia - U simply have not yet seen it -

@KWAPELL7 I don’t fond your tone conducive to learning. Art can be a great medium for self discovery and self growth, who are you to judge other people’s process and call them lost?
Truth is also a perception, your truth is different to everyone else’s. People may form bridges of understanding, but it’s rarely maintained as life experience dictates much.
One of my favourite quotes is, ‘not all who wander are lost’.
The image looks like a corpse with a gunshot wound to me, certainly art is evocative of different emotions.
I am all of my ancestors combined, plus 46 years of new knowledge from many sources, I have also sought guidance by those that know more than I ever will.
All the best on your journey, but I feel our paths are quite different 😉 I feel a persistent need for you to assert your difference and also a lack of acceptance of others and their stage in their journey from you.

Here’s an artwork about what I feel most people seek and obtain by becoming themselves:




That has worked well for trump, who has over 75 million that voted for him and most of them feel the election was stolen from them and him!!

That is their affirmation since November 10 2020!

They have stated that everyday several time a day in fact for over 90 days now!!!

Now that is an affirmation they would believe to die for!!!



It might work

Word Level 8 Feb 16, 2021

it will & does work - yet there be few in number -
that R able to so do & Be - for 90 days - much less a week -


I am my own affirmation.
I don't need prepackaged wisdom, I need to unpack my own wisdom.
I need to find my words, not quotes from other people.

We R each - indeed our own - Self personified -
in as thru - Ones - thoughts - Words & Deeds -
there-in does One thus - Know One Self to BE -

the words U seek - R - as U have so stated -
within the Being that is U - being the Person -
that U R now manifesting as - One Self in LIFE -

there-fore - Realize - Accept & Acknowledge -
the - Eternal & Divine - Essence of thy Being -
U as such Being thus speak - Your Wisdom -

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Posted by EmmanuelRippinIf you're looking for a new game to dive into, ([playpokerogue.

Posted by RobecologyI haven't seen any "freethoughts" on Twitter lately; but today I found one!

Posted by johnnyrobishWell, somebody had to do it!

Posted by WalterGreensTo every one out there!

Posted by LenHazell53Well would you look at that, and who posted it

Posted by Mike-IMAOpinions base on facts and evidence can change the world.

Posted by ChrisAineWhere is everybody? Don't tell me y'all caught up with Xmas festivities. Anyway Merry Christmas free thinkers. May you get a kiss under the mistletoe..😊

Posted by ScribblerWhy is everyone leaving?

Posted by AryabratIsn't this the most logical and simplistic way to dismiss a fictitious superpower/hero? Or is there anymore way?

Posted by AvaBunWhat are your thoughts?

Posted by terenaskawsHow passionate are you in creating?

Posted by SpinlieselToday, in 1872, the last Indian war east of the Mississippi ended with the capture of Black Hawk.

Posted by SlarsAnother throw back from my orange years.. mad to think they essentially just paid us to play with big toys all day fun job...

Posted by AnabuceriasPhoto is worth 1000 words.

Posted by bobwjrThat's this group

Posted by TourirstMIA: Missing in Administration. I have posted this, twice and of course, it slides under the radar, understandably as Admin has left the building for good?

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