10 8

The paramount of evil! There may be jokes about evil religion on here, but is there any serious thought about how evil it can be? Currently, there is news in Canada, in Sakatchewan, about the finding of unmarked graves of 200, TWO HUNDRED, children, that were forcibly, removed from their villages to Catholic and Anglican schools to teach them about Gaud-dude! Sick! How fucking sick can it get!!!

Diogenes 8 June 24
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We cannot let religion be strong again.

Mvtt Level 7 June 28, 2021

Sick is different from evil. Sick is almost accidental. Evil is cruel, mean, corrupt, etc with intention.

So #1...they're not the same.

#2; If you're a demographer or a population biologist you don't even factor in evil...for example - is it evil or sick that female spiders and mantids eat their mates...or is it just an observable trait that they evolved to survive?

Proven fact; if you take any population of any organism...even plants....and overcrowd them...they take action to reduce the crowding. (

That's what's happened in Saskatchewan...and in 1930's Germany. And in 19th century America...and in Vietnam....and the's simply "population density" that's causing this.

This isn't sickness. Nor evil.

But it is a sign that more and more are competing harder and harder for less and less.

T.J. Malthus said it elegantly in 1812; "As the quantity of life (humanity) in any given area increases, the quality of life decreases.

And he said this when the earth was around 1 billion. Now we're increasing at the rate of 150 more births, than deaths, per minute.


Sorry to tell's a natural reaction.

Robecology Level 9 June 25, 2021

Well, your last statement seems to be hinting at eugenics. That would mean that a cripple like Stephen Hawking would be dispossed of. And power, of the moment, Hitler would servive.

In Saskatchewan and other places where there are unmarked graves the number is near a thousand. Call this "evil" what you like. Better to hang the bastards---- and 'bastardettes' than to permit this again.


Most of them were beaten to death. Disgusting.

KateOahu Level 8 June 25, 2021

More evidence of the better (not) morality of religion.

JackPedigo Level 9 June 24, 2021

Here's a link: First Nations finds 751 unmarked graves at Saskatchewan residential school site


racocn8 Level 9 June 24, 2021

Remember that religions create psychopaths out of normal people by forcibly and cruelly indoctrinating them. The church then uses psychopaths to spread the gospel, and fosters bullies, perverts, and murderers as needed. Psychopaths then reproduce and pass mental illness to their offspring by way of emotional abuse and trauma.

YES, about the 700, that information came out in the last few days- and I think that was in British Columbia.


Wounded Knee and other massacres were done in the public eye, the murder of children was done in private so much more heinous

glennlab Level 10 June 24, 2021

And now the number is up to 750! I was remarking to a friend earlier that religion was the reason for all these deaths and many more!

freeofgod Level 8 June 24, 2021

What is even more reprehensible is the secrecy and covering up by the churches and state alike, because the government was complicit, and it wasn’t confined to Canada, it happened in many other countries. It happened to indigenous populations In Australia, and to children who were born to unmarried mothers in UK who were taken from them and shipped out to Australia by the UK government in collusion with the churches. Mass graves have been found on several sites in Ireland run by religious orders, where we already know about the cruel regimes of the nuns in the mother & baby homes and the horrors of the Magdalene Laundries. This was a large scale horror perpetrated on young woman and their children and those in a variety of vulnerable communities. The fact it was allowed to happen and actually officially sanctioned is what horrifies me most.

Marionville Level 10 June 24, 2021

Yes, and here in Canada, the number of found graves keeps increasing.

One of the most twisted religions is the Christian one. Women are forced to have no rights. About 1,100 CE men were no longer allowed to marry- even though one pope ("one" or more) had fathered a number of children in the Vatican. Nothing is as Nature intended it to be. It is not a concept where natural love comes out easily; it is an idea of punishment- for so-called sins.


& there were similar 'schools' here in the States, too. Hell, one of the major streets in Phoenix is Indian School Road...forced "assimilation". Wouldn't doubt some investigation would find similar graves at many of these 'schools'.

phxbillcee Level 10 June 24, 2021

Sick!!! Fucking sick!!!


It's the sickest

bobwjr Level 10 June 24, 2021
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