4 7

Observation and theory: the USA does not have a national health care system. Therefore more people avoid doctors visits and getting medical attention because of the expense. Many people's exposure to medical science, and the results of medical science, is limited. The understanding and appreciation of scientific research and advances is limited, so that under circumstances like covid19 people will not appreciate or understand the circumstances, and protest so many measures recommended for safeguarding the society. This is only one reason though for such a general lack in ability to process critical thought. It dominoes to other parts of life. Social, political, religion. There is a reduced ability to explore and process factual information. Not the only reason, but part of the puzzle. IMHO.

Switchcraft 7 Dec 11
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Life expectancy in the US is dropping. It is a disgusting that such a rich country will not have health care for its citizens.

Jolanta Level 9 Dec 17, 2023

The there is the fact religion has already canceled the ability or desire to think outside the box. There has to be something more going on, my identical twin has bought into all the conspiracy theories on vaccines, COVID, election fraud and is very religious. 180 out from me. Life experiences must play some role, TV, friends, internet choices - beats me. She won't talk to me these days.


You just noticed that???????????


Good points...but I don't see a solution.

I often see that many nations have "free health care" and their life expectancies are growing while ours is not.

So what can be done?

Robecology Level 9 Dec 11, 2023

that is interesting, can you tell me what the source was ?


Try <a href=",%202021%20(U.S.%20dollars,%20PPP%20adjusted)" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" class="forumlink">[]

I found this there;

@Switchcraft This as well; here's the link;

<a href=",%20in%20years,%201980-2021" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" class="forumlink">[]

@Robecology the US life expectancy is significantly lower.

@Switchcraft Correct. I guess I didn't make that point,...but our life expectancy is low and getting lower while other nations are going up (getting older) AND the cost of health care is significantly lower in other nations and very much higher in the U.S.

@Robecology medical industrial complex is too deep in republicans pockets for this to ever change in the next few decades.

@Robecology Thanks for the links.

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