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Hi all. I'm new here and would like your feedback on a matter. It's been on my mind for a long time now. I have recently come to the understanding that the God of the Bible is at best a distorted misrepresentation of some advanced alien, or at worst a very clever mechanism for controlling a large portion of the human species. So, belief in the God of the Bible is unsustainable. Which means that everything I have believed about the point of living is tossed out the window. Leaving me with a void. No, no. I'm not suicidal. I feel just like I can relate better today than ever before with the author of the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon I believe. It's all pointless. And considering what a cesspool we humans have created for ourselves, I wonder if the best gift we can give a new life is an abortion. It would save them such hassle and struggle, of which, quite possibly but not definitely, amounts to nothing anyway. We are born. We live. We die. We're gone. So why bother? Now I do have people who would be devistated when I die. And for them, I stay in this shithole of a society. To spare them at my expense. I am stuck here. But a fetus, they are not. They are not intertwined in the lives of anyone beyond their own parents, and those parents would be the one gifting the with the abortion, so the devistation would be minimal.
I do not share these views with many people here in the real world because I would feel awful if my belief system brought them to the same place as it has me. So I stay almost completely silent. But I also struggle with the reality that they are believing in fairy dust and rainbow unicorn kitty butterflies. And then I struggle with the fact that whether they exist or not, that kind of kitty sounds damn cute, so would it be so bad to let folks exist in their blissful ignorance, even when they ask me what it is that I believe?

TKoBD 4 July 17
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Sorry to hear that you are in such a funk. I went through a temporary funk myself, but now I am happier than I ever was when I lived with the shackles of false mythology...except when I was young and totally immersed in the deception. Yes, there is something to the saying that ignorance is bliss. But, no going back to believing in Santa Claus.
I don't attempt to convert/awaken others. In my experience it doesn't work anyway. They have to come to you with questions, which means they have doubts and are searching for truth. Then I am simply honest about what I believe, or more accurately, don't believe and why. I haven't come this far to be dishonest, hypocritical, and live an inauthentic life.

Heraclitus Level 8 July 18, 2019

It must be difficult and bewildering for someone like you who has believed something from when you were old enough to understand, to now come to the realisation that it was all built on fantasy, like a giant fairy tale. As a lifelong unbeliever and freethinker I can’t put myself entirely into your shoes, but I can empathise as a fellow human being, I can understand how coming to this realisation that everything you believed in was untrue must have left a huge void in your life. You must however not despair, because you are now free to find your own purpose to living, with no thoughts of an afterlife it makes this life of ours on earth much more real and important. I feel fulfilled every day by my friendships with others, my children and grandchildren, my many interests and activities, mostly involving interaction with other human beings. Human enjoyment and wonder at nature and it’s beauty...and destructive ability, the oceans, the mountains, the wildlife...animals both wild and our domesticated pets who bring us love and companionship. Art and sculpture, many different genres to enjoy listening to, wonderful buildings built by man’s ingenuity, sports, either to participate in or to watch, many places to visit, not enough time to see them all. Life is more wonderful because we know that there is no god, we can take pride in the achievements of our own fellow human beings and reach out to others in fellowship. That we may never have all the answers to how we came to be here isn’t really important, it’s living life to the fullest because we are here that is.

Marionville Level 10 July 17, 2019

Difficult she says! Lol. Yup! Part of the struggle for me is that I now can pick and chose what suits me from a wide range of sources, as well as from my own intellect. I spent years hating people like that. Mostly because they would formulate their "beliefs" in such a way as to always have the alleged moral high ground, while I was usually the leper in the story. I suppose if my motivations are personal freedom and harmony, the outcome will be more paletable, but the similarities to those who would use their beliefs for harm are disturbing.


Believe is a variable always shifts towards a perfect tune yet it is not achived ever and tends to unwilling force and probable attributes merging or diverging. Fixed and constant believe is so called orthodox religion and unfixed and constant believe to a will force and to an all knowing, all controling unproved entity. So I believed is also changeable.

allmighty Level 6 July 17, 2019

I'm not quite sure there is a question seeking an answer in your post. Unless it is the final one about allowing people to believe what they will. I guess it depends on whether or not you think you must try to convert believers to non-belief. If that is it, then my response is people will believe what they want to believe, no matter how many facts, how much logic or how many examples are presented to them. I think we all must find our own reason for living, or not, and go with it. In watching the science presentations on TV, especially about solar systems, galaxies, universes, universe expansion, etc., it seems to me that we are truly less than an ingrown hair on the ass of a huge creature so that our existence and experiences are ours to control because no one else is doing that. Abort, give birth, live, commit suicide, marry, reproduce, be celibate, it is all up to us how we approach it and experience it. And to my thinking, ultimately there is no good or bad way to do it, so long as we don't, mindfully, hurt anyone else along the way. Anyway, that's my take on it.

Definitely not wanting to convert anyone. Part of me recommends staying in their blissful ignorance! But I have many people I love and respect who are Christian. Not the kind of Christians I'd like to offer a shot of gasoline and a match too either. Really good people, in spite of their Bible. And these things will come up. When they do, I'll have to be very careful how I proceed. Hopefully I will be able to tell if they are ready to start waking up. No one likes to be shook awake! Lol

It's disappointing to read Atheists devolve into absurd relativism......Abortions are about Planned PARENTHOOD later if at all .. .calling gynecology a form of euthanasia is incompetent to the extreme as is the criminal theocrat governors signing laws declaring 6 week pre-embryonic single chamber pumping a "fetal heartbeat" therefore human life discovered via ultrasound intravaginally when searching for ovarian cysts or endometrial abnormalities.....and Atheism is the opposite of "belief system" ....our Atheism is freedom FROM faiths violent anti-science misogynistic patriarchal genocide history/ xian relatives 62 years ago got comfortable with my Atheism @ age 5.....when I refused to eat candy eggs laid by boy bunnies on dogshit lawns, look for fat Santa to come down our 6 inch furnace pipe and back up the coal heat hot air vent to deliver wrapped gifts.....and alleged vaginal virgins birthing alleged baby gawds in dirty donkey stables every December 25th @ midnight????? the xian religion is NOT NICE WITH HELL THREATS or heaven bribes Ecclesiastes and Solomon still are shit.....thank you sir for admitting suicide hurts survivors more than the lifeless corpse you contemplate emulating

@GreenAtheist um. OK. Of all the responses to my post I could imagine, a rant on abortion is way out there in the fringe. As for "we atheists", I'm not sure who your "we" is, because I am pretty confident that if you read with a lense of desired understanding instead of the lense coated in your own aganda, you'll see clearly that I certainly ain't no Atheist. But that's silly. You wouldn't want to read for clarity. What fun is that, am I right?!


So to sum it up;

you're becoming agnostic,

but you don't want to "advertise" it, or get in to debates about it.

Am I getting the gist, here?

My answer?

The older and wiser you get, the more you ask questions about "myths".

Blind faith is hard to sustain in this day and kudos to you for recognizing your shift in values.

There's no agnostic "church'.
No places to meet. No groups to hang with.
There is this website...which as you see is growing and expanding.

I encourage you to stay. Join groups that you might be interested in. Share your bio and some pics.

Life is short. Share a smile...that's all we ask....

About the inevitable "what happens when we die" thing that all #religulous are pre-occupied with, I defer to a comment made by a fabulous writer. You might want to read or watch his video, "The God delusion"...he says this about death;


Robecology Level 9 July 17, 2019

You've mostly got it. This realization I've come to has certainly taught me that ignorance is bliss. Sometimes I miss that bliss, because the transition from religious ignorance and dogma to whatever is the other side of it really sucks. I am happy to discuss my belief system with those who ask, but I would hate to be the one to open their eyes and put them in the place I am at. I find that unnecessarily cruel. I came to my realization thru listening and thinking and cross-checking and questioning. I feel I "asked for it", so as shitty as this "place" I'm in right now is, I got here on my own. No one to blame but myself and my insistence on answers being verifiable if at all possible. I guess it's kinda like not wanting to be the one to tell a kid that Santa isn't real. Someone will shatter that delusion for them soon enough. It doesn't have to be me. But if asked, and I say "no, you don't want those answers from me", and they press on, well, then I'm OK with bursting their bubble because they handed me the needle. Lol

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