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Well my dalliance with the milk thistle is over. Earlier this year it appeared in the side garden and I was taken enough by the foliage to leave it grow for a while. But every time I cut it back to clear the pathway beside it, it would grow right back out over it in no time. So today I cut it down and dug it out, quite easy actually. What do you think, anyone else find the foliage attractive? The flower was just an ordinary purple thistle flower.

The first photo was taken March 14, the second about two weeks later. The last three were taken today, before and after digging it out. It sure did grow fast.

Edited to fix the popular name: not milkweed thistle, just milk thistle. The botanical name is Silybum marianum.

MarkWD 7 May 11
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Prettier than the thistles that grow where I live . I hate when I step on them bare footed when they first come up .

Besalbub Level 8 May 12, 2020

Definitely sends a clear message.


If you let it flower it self seeds everywhere and you are never rid of it. I gave a plant to a friend, and a year later I asked her if she would like another one, (its biennial). "No certainly not!" She said. "My husband fell over and landed in it, and I had to help him bath for a week."

Looks like you have a beautiful garden, even without it.

Fernapple Level 9 May 12, 2020

Thanks. It did cover over or bend over everything around it, so not a team player.

I did brush against it moving around in shorts and sandals, and I mean the slightest contact. Definitely not a kind plant. Fortunately it was quite easy to cut down and dig up. And I did so the day the first flower opened.


Pretty leaves. Try it in pots to contain it. I think it looks great and adds to the visual.

FrayedBear Level 9 May 11, 2020

Geez it got so wide so fast I can't imagine a pot big enough to safely hold it.

@MarkWD they have a deep root, but will fill any size pot with their roots.

@MarkWD Act differently in a pot.


I love vargated leaves. I have also had good and bad ed results letting wild things grow. Sometimes they just grow in the wrong place.

Lorajay Level 9 May 11, 2020

I can understand your interest in the plant. It is a beauty. Glennlab is correct in his comment.

RussRAB Level 8 May 11, 2020

Flowers are just weeds we have decided belong, then we keep trying to make them prettier,

glennlab Level 10 May 11, 2020

I'll tell you, I was reluctant to toss her out but she was such an abrasive thing that I had no choice. But to heck with her flowers, it was the foliage that won my affection.


They are a pretty plant but the damn

Isn't that the truth and having cut it back off the little stepping stone pathway more than once only to have it return, I was tired of feeling her pointy ends.

@MarkWD i had a big one next to my uncleaned compost, while cleaning it all up there were 6 little babies coming under its fronds, lol I, my hoe weres my hoe here hoe here doesnt come well when called...probably a training

@HerbertNewsam you are not paying her enough to obey you perhaps?

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