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My Ornamental Plum has a plum!
I am changing my yard to clover and I am loving it! So are the bees!
And there are always roses

Heidi68 8 May 23
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That's wonderful. I wanted to replace my grass with clover, but now that I am selling my place... maybe next one.

Zoohome Level 8 May 24, 2020

I spread a bit of seed last year but most of it is wild. I hope it takes over!


Love the smell of clover on a warm spring day .

Besalbub Level 8 May 24, 2020

I don't think there is enough sun on my grassy area for clover, but there are also few weeds. Your roses are beautiful.
Waiting, waiting now, as tomorrow begins a nice warm streak after one more cool night!


I used to have an ornamental plum and really liked it. However, a landscaping friend said it had to go. It was apparently planted by birds and was next to my carport and a paved alley. I was tole the roots will crack all the surrounding concrete. Luckily it looks as if you have just ground so no worries. Cities have to be really careful on the trees they plant as many can destroy infrastructure. Clover is taking over parts of my yard and I say great. Less silly lawn to mow.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 23, 2020

yes, my tree is about 40 or 50 feet from any concrete.

They say the clover will eventually block out the other grasses, I am hoping that is true.

@Heidi68 It seems to work here.


Such vibrant colors on the rose!

Is the clover difficult to maintain?

not so far. I am hoping it eventually takes over the whole yard. The biggest problem is the bees do like it and one of my Yorkies stepped on one.....

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