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Garden needs weeding. I love my garden!

Lightupmylife 7 May 24
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Love your gate .

Cast1es Level 9 June 11, 2020

My garden will always need further weeding. I try to see weeding as a meditative activity, even therapeutic. 😏


Really nice gate. Do you have deer?

JackPedigo Level 9 May 24, 2020

central Texas, the question should be, " do you have a lot of deer?"

@glennlab Onw thing I noticed was the stone in front of the gate. Deer do not like unsure footing so the stones might be a deterrent. It seems this year the deer here are more active than normal. Some people here put up a short fence close to the main one. This keeps the deer from getting a platform on which to jump. One person actually saw a deer jump over 6 foot fence and did a tuck and roll on the other side.

@JackPedigo Game fences here are normally 8-10 feet, and some animals still manage to top them. The deer may be small. but they are energetic.

@glennlab What happened to us humans to let some deer outsmart us?

@JackPedigo Not just deer, almost any wild animal will get the best of us if we are in it's habitat. It is a matter of how far we are willing to go either to co habit or to eliminate.

@Lightupmylife I have used cayenne pepper in the past, it requires reapplication after rain though. I buy the 16 oz size at Sam's. Since they sniff as they walk, it irratates their nose and eyes, but won't do any permanent damage. It will slow them down, but they roam large areas, so it may take a while for everyone to get the message.

@glennlab Yes, it's not just deer and every critter has it's own strategy and so must we. The problem is how do we diminish the effects of the most invasive and virulent species of all, us?

@Lightupmylife We had a rabbit problem and they too liked to burrow. My solution was to put a path of heavy rocks around the border.

@glennlab I use a product called liquid fence. It has garlic as a base and it really works against the deer. They love to eat Rhubarb leaves and Rock Rose flowers. Spraying liquid fence on these plants keep them away for almost a month even when it rains.

@Lightupmylife Mine is a funny trapezoid but averages 65' X 55'. It is a lot of rocks and it did take time. Luckily I had a close source.

@Lightupmylife I would suspect the real issue with leach lines is that plants might send their roots into the pipes. This could cause another kind of problem.
In my large garden we had originally planted vegetable. As time went on we discovered a large Ceder tree was sending it's fine roots into the beds. The beds closest to the tree were firstly affected. A season of trying to break through the roots and then having them come back proved that to be unworkable. After my partner died I had started to realize to let go as we already have 3 gardens, an orchard and I help in a local labyrinth. In this age of food issues 2 of my large raised beds are being used by friends for onions and potatoes.

@Lightupmylife Not familiar with the term and looked it up. Very interesting and I will ask the owners of our labyrinth if they know about it. Cedar is funny. Some friends have goats and they asked me to save any fir limbs to feed the animals. I did some major pruning on the Cedars and took them to the goat pen. They sniffed it and walked away. The owners laughed and said goats will not eat cedar. When building nesting boxes I often use cedar but it needs to sit at least a year before birds will use it.
When we first laid out our garden she wanted the beds with mounded earth and in the shape of a daisy with 8 radiating petals and a circular center. Afterward we got on Google Earth and saw it actually worked. Then we laid out a drip irrigation system. There were/are other issues not just the cedar roots but also lighting and our well water is hard with a lot of iron. Only the very center gets a full days sunlight. As with most gardens it evolved and I ended up creating 3 large raised beds and a bunch of smaller triangular ones. It was a work in progress but now mostly no longer viable. Having one do the work of 2 1/2 (1 1/2 were her efforts) is simply too much. Besides we now have our Beluga (high tunnel hoop house at the labyrinth. It is 26'W X 72'L by 12'-16' high (sloping ground). It is a group project but now there are only 6 families involved. I'm waiting until things have grown to send a picture but here are 2 from just after it was built. BTW the front has been totally changed with a large and a small door.

@Lightupmylife Sorry, thought we were just exchanging information. The Kugel Kulture is new and I need to ask around about this idea. Also, Leach lines is another different term. It seems they are the same as a 'drain field.' The lines usually have a port to look into the line and see how things are.

@Lightupmylife If it's just flowers and ornamentals the only issue would be the roots.


Love your garden gate!😍

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