2 9

Compost station...just finished the second clean up of the year.
Left to right.
Grey pile is firepit ashes
New compost pile
Last years compost shows the cut away
I mix the peat moss about 40 percent peat to 60 of composted. I also use the garbage can with holes in it to rinse the peat really well. Some peats are pretty acidic so i wash it. I ran test batches 3 years ago checking ph levels after reading about it. And yup i am chillin.....

HerbertNewsam 6 June 20
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Nice compost setup!

Thank you, it is in an old goat pen. It is the only place on the property that has grass. Lol the rest is dirt, mulch, flower beds, raised beds, garden. 30 minutes a day on average hoeing is so much nicer than chasing a big lawn for nine

@HerbertNewsam Agreed! Turf is an unnatural and high-maintenance post-war ideal. I tend to hold that the collective toxins used to maintain all those fake green lawns is responsible for the majority of health and environmental ills today. I have a very small amount of lawn I've maintained in my 13 yrs here by just mowing and plucking weeds, though I tend to replace more of it with plantings or paths each year. 😉


That looks like quite a rig is it a dry herb vaporizer ?

Besalbub Level 8 June 20, 2020

No. It is an aegis geek vape with freemax meshpro 5 ml tank. I do some leather work so i made the leather protector..these are nice tanks but it pops open easily.
The mix in this one starts as a base of 2 ounces of sour diesel cooked in 2.25 cups of propylene gycol for 45 minutes at 180 degrees F stirring occssionally, then it is pressed and filtered. Then i go to the dispensary and get two 1 ml commercial thc indica drippers. I take a 2 fluid ounce dropper bottle with 1.75 fl.oz of the gylcol/cannabis mix and add the drippers to that. That 2 ounce bottle lasts me about 25 days...
Have fun

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