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I took this today of the ‘Walking Iris’ from Brazil, long after I thought it had finished. Like a fireworks show it saved its showiest effort for last.

MarkWD 7 July 1
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Wow, I will be looking to find some of those!

Did you see @RussRAB's comment about finding them for sale at Lowe's recvently? I'm told baby plants will develop from the buds when they finally hit the ground. The friend who gave me these said that s how he propagated these from the mother plant. Pretty sure Russ is also in the NW.

@MarkWD & @tinkercreek - I live in Texas northeast of Fort Worth. If you are interested in acquiring a Walking Iris, you might start by calling your local nursury or a store like Lowe's in your area. Not every store of the same chain carries the same plants. To get around that issue, you might be able to go on-line and search the chains inventory. If they list what you are looking for but your local outlet doesn't have them in stock, you could speak with the garden department manager to ask if they plan to have what you want, or if they can special order one for you. If this approach doesn't get you what you want, contact the company through their website and ask about ordering something to be shipped to you or to your local store. Another option might be to go to a website like Dave's Garden where members trade plants. I believe there are other sites as well where individuals may have plant material to trade. I haven't traded anything on Dave's Garden recently, but I did receive a number of plants I was interested in while sending off plants I would likely disposed of over time due to thinning or dividing. Dave's Garden will also list vendors known to carry a plant shown on their lists. If all else fails, do a Google search for what you are looking for and click on the Shopping button. You should get a list of placez to purchase what you want. There are lots of resources you can pursue if your interested in doing so. Best of luck go you.



freeofgod Level 8 July 2, 2020


Lavergne Level 8 July 2, 2020

I recently noticed several Walking Iris for sale at a nearby Lowe's. I had forgotten how large the plants are - quite a bit bigger than the larges bearded iris. None of their plants were in flower or had buds on them. These flower are very pretty and very unusual.

RussRAB Level 8 July 1, 2020

I think the flowers are smaller than many of the biggest iris flowers. But it is oddly tall.

@MarkWD - I believe you are right about the flowers. They are interesting and beautiful.


Beautiful flowers. My Siberian Iris have long since bloomed so it is nice to see. 🙂

Donna_I Level 8 July 1, 2020

What a stunning flower!

Spinliesel Level 9 July 1, 2020
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