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I have been looking for a blue lotus for years to replace one I lost, it looks like I failed again, it appears to be another red one, I should know for sure tomorrow.

glennlab 10 July 31
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The color of some flowers (Hydrangeas for example) is determined by the acidity of the soil. In this case it might be the water.


Are blue ones rare?

yes, the last one I had came from a tuber.

@glennlab So there is no way to know what color you’re going to end up with? I’ve never had a pond or grown lotus flowers so I don’t know much about them. My sister has a small pond container she wants to get set up in her yard, so I told her once I get there we will get it in the ground. It’s about 8’x5’ so not that large, but will still be a little work to get set up. I will contact you for advice when I start working on it.😉


Keep us posted. It will be exciting to see.

RussRAB Level 8 July 31, 2020

I fully expect it to be open tomorrow, Are your passion vines OK?

@glennlab - For the most part they are all doing well except one. I think it was kinked somewhere between digging it up and planting. The kink was low on the stem very close to the transition to root. This one might not make it, but the rest are doing great. They get watered and looked after every day, and a dish to prevent them from drying out on hot afternoons.


Can't wait to see the outcome!

Heidi68 Level 8 July 31, 2020

I should post soon, they are are very fast growning plant, I"planted" 12 seeds and only one has come up, so Just a matter of time.


The photo appears as a lavender bloom - still a chance?

I have been fooled in the past, so until it actually opens, I'm on pins and needles.


Does the alkalinity or acidity affect the color of lotuses?

No it is genetic, but also they don't always come back true from seed.

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