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Does anybody else grow ground cherries? I find them easy to grow, typically reseeding themselves each year and then I just move them around to keep them together but they do tend to stray to all parts of the garden and make a tasty treat when I am busy weeding.

Surfpirate 9 Aug 18
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They grow around the midwest as natives are encouraged to do so. I have yet to try one as I did not know when they were ripe. I will venture again as soon as they ripen & the election is past as I need to vote first before risking eating the wrong item & thusly perish.

Mooolah Level 8 Aug 20, 2020

If the paper husk is green then the fruit inside is also green, if it is beige then the fruit inside will be a yellow colour and ripe, often the ripe fruit is on the ground under the plant, the paper husk keeps the fruit clean. Peel off the husk and pop the treat in your mouth.

@Surfpirate Just checked on the ripeness. Still green but there are an abundance of them.


The taste sounds good. I must make enquiries.

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 19, 2020

Very cool sending to my sister

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 19, 2020

Never heard of them! Would they grow in PNW? Sun & water needs?

They are native to Peru but seem to grow in most parts of the Americas and are quite adaptable to different climates. I planted a few seeds a few years back and they just keep self seeding themselves and then I transplant them.


Never even heard of , "ground cherries ," before .

Cast1es Level 9 Aug 18, 2020

I have never tried one 😳

Hathacat Level 9 Aug 18, 2020

Kind of citrus/pineapple but not acidic, they are a real treat. I am going to have some with some homemade vanilla ice cream for dessert.

@Surfpirate oooooo that sounds delicious! Can you bring some to western NC before it melts? Please 😊

@Heidi68 My wife makes it and it KETO friendly, just whipping cream, some vanilla, egg yolk and some sugar substitute. Mix well and then put in small mason jars and shake for 5 minutes, then stick it in the freezer to chill for an hour or so. Voila!

@Surfpirate whipping cream? Like heavy whipping cream for baking? Keto even better then I won't feel as quilty snacking! 😋🍨

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