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A couple recent projects around my yard: I finally decided to do something with a small space between my front porch and the walkway. I had success with Marigolds in the past in an area with a southern exposure against the house, so I planted Marigolds in this small area on the south side of my house. They did OK but grew taller than expected and with fewer blossoms. But they lasted only until the August heat and I couldn't water them enough to keep the alive. So they were recently replaced with Coreopsis. I've also been meaning to plant Butternut Squash and Lemon Cucumbers. I got the seeds in later than intended but they sprouted within a couple days. Maybe they will grow and mature faster too. Quite some time ago when I was actively trading on Dave's Garden website, I acquired several Oxblood Lily bulbs and planted them in my border garden. They didn't do anything for several years and then one year, they popped up with these bright red flowers. They don't last long, but they are awfully pretty. Some years they make a showing, and other years, nothing. You can tell from this photo that I still have plenty of clean up to do with this garden area. Then there is the Oxalis. The photo doesn't show how pink these blossoms are.

The last three pictires are posted with thanks to @Glennlab. He recently shared some Passion Flower starts with me and today one of them went into their permanent spot in the yard. Glennlab gave me two different varieties of Passion Flower, and the other hasn't taken off like this one has, but is growing nicely. I was surprised by the root growth when I removed this one from its pot; the roots had completely filled the gallon sized container. I'd watched a couple YouTube videos about amending heavey clay soil and I followed the recommendations. Glenlab had also generously provided some good compost which I used along with some other rough soil amenders. Then the plants got a good soaking ( see the water and hose). Glennlab also shared a start of Dragonfruit. The photo isn't all that great, but the plant is doing really well. Thanks again, Glen, for your generousity.

I have had appreciation for this forum on my mind for a while now. Without getting sappy, I wanted to express it. I believe seeing others projects and their successes in various endeavors - and their/your beautiful gardens both vegetable and flower - has provided a little extra incentive for my own projects. I now have several ideas I want to pursue with planting my yard, and I have begun making purchases and plans for how to make them a reality. Thanks to everyone who shares pictures of your gardens, who has commented on pictures I have shared of mine, or who just participated with comments or suggestions. This is a good group to belong to. 😊

RussRAB 8 Sep 7
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Enjoy being online again!

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I know the feeling of joy! I am happy you are part of our gardener group as well. 🤗

Zoohome Level 8 Sep 10, 2020

One of the great joys of gardening is being able to share both knowledge and plants. The dragon fruit seems to have really taken off. This first year, both of the passion vines may die back, but if one doesn't, that is the light blue one that fruits. It may be May before the purple one comes back, but it makes up for it quickly. That is a nice rootball, especially considering that it was almost bare root when I gave it to you.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 8, 2020

I don't recall if I used any rooting hormone when I planted them in the pot. It may account for some of the root growth. When I decided to plant this pot in the ground, I was concerned about the potting soil crumbling away from the plants. But once the pot was removed, hardly any of the soil was lost. It was a pleasant surprise. I recall you had said to just keep them watered and I shouldn't have a problem. Obviously good advice. The dragon fruit is growing nicely and I couldn't be more pleased about it.

@RussRAB Next year you will need to stake the dragon fruit, a 24 inch stake should be enough. I'm glad you are happy with the plants.

@glennlab - Very good, I will be ready with a stake. Yes, I am very pleased with the plants. Thank-you again.


I echo your appreciation of this group! Little joys, common frustrations, and great victories of being a gardner are so much better shared, and it's fun to see what others are working with, near and far. You clearly have much to keep you busy (don't we all?) and so great that Glenn could help you out with some.
Your Coreopsis are lovely, and I admire the several varieties we have around here. I have a small showcase patch of Purple Oxalix (Love this!) in my front garden bed, now surrounded by Green Glow Oxalis, both behaving as annuals in part shade, and pretty thirsty. I put a small fence around them as they come up in spring to let them fill in without being stepped on.
Garden on!

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