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December 4th is Saint Barbara's Day.

If you cut branches from your flowering bushes on St. Barbara's Day ( forsythias; weigelias, deutzias ) and bring them into the house in a vase with water, you will have flowering branches at Christmas. Can you tell, my mother was catholic? My middle name happens to be Barbara ( after my mother's mother), so we celebrated Namesake's Day in December. There is no saint's day for Antje, the heathen that I was destined to be. The religion never took for me, but I loved all the rituals, especially as they pertained to me.
So, try it, gardeners, clip some branches with buds on them and bring them inside.

Spinliesel 9 Nov 30
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Interesting, I have two Deutzias (pinkaboo) and will try this trick.

JackPedigo Level 9 Nov 30, 2020

I've been to Santa Barbara...
I don't grow anything.

Your neighbors, maybe? Your local park?


I had a girlfriend who styled herself a "fantastic gardener". Her rhododendrons never bloomed. She was going around in the fall & removing "the ugly growths" on the ends of the branches, and, "what causes that"? I could Not convince her they were next years' flowers!!!!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Nov 30, 2020

Oh, dear, oh dear.

similar stories for crepe myrtles . A group of trees that should never be trimmed or pruned unless you cut it to the ground.

That is hysterical!! I've grown up around rhodies, and have my mother-in-law to thank for training me in the skill and importance of dead-heading.


Does that work when December frequently has 30-40°C temperatures?

FrayedBear Level 9 Nov 30, 2020

Special message for the Upside Down gardeners. NO.

@Spinliesel just can't trust these xtians & their propaganda!

@Spinliesel Who determined that we are upside down?

@FrayedBear From my old geography book back in the old Country. All you guys were upside down, even the sheep.

@Spinliesel White supremacist propaganda.


My neighbor came over one day to ask me why my forsythias bloomed every spring , but theirs never did . I pointed out to her that I pruned mine in the fall . Her man pruned theirs in the spring and was , therefore , pruning off all the buds .

Cast1es Level 9 Nov 30, 2020

The best rule of thumb for all flowering shrubs, to ensure you get flowers the following year is. 'Prune immediately after flowering.'

@Fernapple Especially important for lilacs.


I have forsythias in my yard, but I won't be bringing in cutting, that would be an invitation for cat demolition.

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