7 10

I am glad that Wasilla banned plastic grocery bags... but what do you do with all of the paper sacks that you saved? I put them down in my garden and cover with mulch for weed control. This is my Gooseberry bed.

FrostyJim 8 May 25
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I haven't had a good gooseberry for about 50 years. Do they still taste or like everything else had the flavour & scent bred out of them?

FrayedBear Level 9 May 26, 2021

It's either that or cut them up for toilet paper!

FrayedBear Level 9 May 26, 2021

Interesting idea. I also have 3 Gooseberry plants but have to fight the saw fly every year.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 25, 2021

Maybe that's what got mine! I had a white and a black that both thrived and produced tons of berries, but something devoured them to the point that I had to take them out.

@tinkercreek The Saw Flies are larva that eat the leaves. I have had a plant with berries but no leaves. One summer my late partner and I donned gloves and picked off all the larva. That meant no larve were able to go into the ground and hibernate. The next year no flies. But is it labor intensive. There are chemicals but I prefer to not use chemical pesticides. Here is a link []

@JackPedigo That would be the culprits! I would never consider a chemical cure, so they just had to go. Interestingly, I had a native huckleberry adjacent, and it went unscathed.

@tinkercreek I just went out to check the plants. It's only been a couple of days and most of the main Gooseberry is gone. One branch was good and I did a lot of squashing. What a bummer. Oh well, I make preserves from a mixture of berries including Gooseberries and I still have enough for a couple of years.


Delaware banned them this year

bobwjr Level 10 May 25, 2021

I'm doing the same around my blueberries!


That is a good use for them. I use them to stick my recyclables in...and away they go every week.

KateOahu Level 8 May 25, 2021

A good use - the bed looks great!

I've also had great success with newspaper. I don't subscribe to any, but I get a lot of them as flyers in the mail.

Lauren Level 8 May 25, 2021
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