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Cute mushrooms while out for a walk

Levelheaded 5 June 20
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I believe the beautiful ones on the right are Death Caps, known for their alluring looks & dissolving your liver over several agonizing days,then you welcome Death, unlike most " poisonous" mushrooms that only give you temorary digestive woes.

AnneWimsey Level 9 June 21, 2021

That first shot must be psychodelic mushrooms .

Cast1es Level 9 June 21, 2021

What's the colour of the spore print.

SnowyOwl Level 8 June 20, 2021

Spore print? Both are pictures I took in my neighborhood.

@Levelheaded For people who forage wild mushrooms, spore print is one of the key indicators in determining what sort of mushroom it is, so you know if it is an edible mushroom or one you shouldn't eat.

@SnowyOwl you outed me, lol, I have no idea.

@Levelheaded There are lots of tasty edible mushrooms in the woods around where you live. A bit of research online will help you determine the good from the bad, most are good but there is a lot of superstition around mushrooms because most people aren't very bright.

@SnowyOwl I was going to take a forage and edible class from a Nashville tea shop April 2020 but they were taken out by a tornado March 3. It probably would not of happened either way.

@Levelheaded There are good online resources to get the basics down and then there are some good forums as well that will help you with identification. It's not as daunting as some people will tell you, usually people who are afraid of wild mushrooms and think that there is such a thing as a toad stool (there isn't).
This is one of the groups that I belong to but there are others.


Ugh not sure why photo is upside down

Because you are not in Australia?

@FrayedBear Why didn’t I think of that?! Definitely a northern/southern hemisphere disparity

@Levelheaded But I see that you took the middle course and catered for two hemispheres ! Doh! 🤣

@FrayedBear instead of catering to a flat earth theory?

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