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We have the strangest weather pattern here this year. I live in that red area. We have been in severe/extreme drought all year, with lots of rain north, lots of rain south. We just have an odd band of dry. Normally we have lots of rain and even occasional flooding in nearby areas. Normally the nearby river is high. Should I be worried about my well?

And yes, I know, this is nothing like what is happening out west. It is just worth mentioning because it is so weird.


itsmedammit 8 Sep 27
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Long-term predictions based on past patterns are becoming useless. Short-term (2-day) predictions still tell us when to horde bread and toilet paper.

BitFlipper Level 8 Sep 30, 2021

Weirdness is in the weather everywhere!


I have property in the same area but just west of the red area. I have pokeweed growing that just appeared this year & I have been here since 1986. Climate change is visible in rural areas. I don't water anything. Adapt or perish. The prairie is doing great. Well adapted to drought.

Mooolah Level 8 Sep 27, 2021

In recent years I had planted trees and shrubs. They still need babying. I have lost plenty of vegetation this year though.


I think it would depend on the source of the well water. If it is in an aquifer, the river would be irrelevant.

KateOahu Level 8 Sep 27, 2021

The river is irrelevant. I mentioned it only to compare to other years. This is the Great Lakes Region. We don't understand dry conditions here. lol

I don't know the source of my well water, but I did hear that aquifers take years to replenish low water levels.

In the meantime I am doing a lot of spot watering.

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