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GMOs good or bad

Where do you stand on GMOs? Comment why.

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Donto101 7 Apr 24
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I agree labeling GMOs. But take for instance the Papaya industry papaya industry in Hawaii it was it was just about completely wiped out buy a blight. They were finally able after seven years to create a papaya that could withstand the blight which saved the papaya in Hawaii. Same thing with bananas in Africa. In the round up resistant corn actually reduced the amount of pesticides used on the corn. glyphosate is less toxic than salt or vinegar. So the home made organic herbicide of vinegar and salt is more toxic to you then glyphosate.


Donto101 Level 7 Apr 25, 2018


Glyphosate is the main chemical in Monsanto’s top-selling weed killer, Roundup. (Mike Mozart/Flickr)

California appeals court this week ruled the state’s right to label glyphosate, the main ingredient in popular weed killer Roundup, as a “possible carcinogen.”


For food, it shouldn't be allowed. For other organisms that we have destroyed or are in the processing of destroying by being human, why not continue with the process and screw everything up completely.


GMO - not to be confused with traditional cross-breeding or "husbandry" of plants (or animals) - means Genetically Modified Organisms - this is where they may take DNA from one species and splice it into another. Often this is used to make a crop immune to toxins that will kill weeds or pests - such as so-called "round-up ready" corn or soy. This means that great amounts of these toxins can be used on fields to kill everything except the GMO crop. Corn, soy, sugar beets and some other crops are over 90% GMO in the US and many other foods are grown using GMO seeds. Some plants are also tinkered with to be toxic to pests directly. Studies show that when you eat these foods, they can kill the probiotics in your gastrointestinal tract that help you to digest your food. If not banned outright, GMO's should be labeled so that people can choose whether or not to avoid them. The GMO & food industries have fought against labeling. The only way to be relatively sure you are not eating GMO foods is to eat organic.

TerriCity Level 7 Apr 25, 2018

Can you site these studies. Any links I would like to check them out. I’m not finding these studies


Could you reword your second choice , please . I think the computer may have reworded it a trifle .

Cast1es Level 9 Apr 24, 2018
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