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I had a visitor early this morning, a Texas spiny lizard warming up on my steps. I'm pretty sure that this little guy has been munching on my dragon fruit, cactus and insects are fair game on their diet.

glennlab 10 July 30
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Wow, such beautiful markings!

They really blend in when they are hidden in the grass and leaves, The only time I see them is when they are sunning themselves, the rest of the time they stay hidden.


Used to catch these in New Mexico, we always let them go. They looked like dinosaurs.

They really are quite armored, I haven't seen any babies yet this year, but the geckos have already hatched.


He’s a little beauty! 😍

He's about 8 inches nose to tail, early in the spring he'll be out all day, now, he's only around early in the morning.


He looks quite well-fed and healthy.

SkagwayKim Level 7 July 30, 2022

Since I'm a declared sanctuary site, I don't use chemical poisons in my yard or garden, there are plenty of bugs, plus I see a munched out section of my dragon fruit about once a week.


I have one or two of those lizards around my house, but they are more of a brown color. I didn't know they might eat plants.

RussRAB Level 8 July 30, 2022

They don't eat much, but they have been leaving a crescent hole on the edges of the dragon fruit leaves, nothing serious.


We called them horned toads when I was a kid out west.

OldGoat43 Level 9 July 30, 2022

Horny toad, or horned lizards are a different species, they have a crown of spines behind their head. Horned lizards are considered endangered in TX and OK, The spiny lizard is not considered threatened. Horny toads feed on native fire ants, spiny lizards are omnivores.

When I first discovered the spiny lizard on my property, I did quite a bit of research to make sure that I wasn't doing anything to threaten their survival. It turned out that my landscaping practices were in line with what the lizards liked.

@glennlab . Sorry, you're right. When I looked closer at the photo I could see he didn't have the horns on the head and neck. Horny toads were very plentiful out in So Cal 70 years ago.


I "know" lizards are beneficial, however, I'm as close to it now as I ever want to be 🙂 and I know that isn't logical.

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