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One Dragonfly Can Eat 100s of Mosquitoes per Day

KateOahu 8 Dec 28
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The water lilies are very important since they provide a place for the nymph stage to develop. The nymphs will also eat the larval mosquitoes and a few mosquito fish will get the rest.

glennlab Level 10 Dec 28, 2022

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Posted by FernappleThe vegetable plot has nearly reached its peak now.

Posted by FernappleIt's Hollyhock season, in all their crushed velvet glory.

Posted by FrostyJim...okay - so it's a fancy weed?

Posted by can never be too careful !

Posted by FrostyJim...this is my secret!

Posted by FrostyJimLooks like another good greenhouse tomato season so far...

Posted by FernappleMy pink Buddleja, Butterfly Bush, looks great, especially against the dark red Acer.

Posted by FrostyJim...when the wind blows!

Posted by FernappleIt is time for the flowering of one of my favourite roses.

Posted by FrostyJimBerries do very well in Alaska... I'm growing strawberries, honeyberries, raspberries, gooseberries, and black currants ...oh and rhubarb too - it goes well with berries in a pie, jam, or cobler!

Posted by FrostyJimSo that's how it works...

Posted by FrostyJim...why didn't I think of that?

Posted by FernappleIts the time for one of my favourite flowers, Primula florindae, the giant cowslip to flower. The cinnamon scent fills the garden on warm days.

Posted by FrostyJimIt's almost salad season. It is amazing how fast my salad greens grow in just 3 weeks since setting out my seedlings in our long Alaska summer days...

Posted by FrostyJimIt's almost salad season. It is amazing how fast my salad greens grow in just 3 weeks since setting out my seedlings in our long Alaska summer days...

Posted by FrostyJimNot too shabby...

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