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I visited an, open for charity garden, yesterday. It is modest sized urban garden, but is lush with tropical and exotic plants. Many grown in pots to overwinter in greenhouses, and others grown each year from seed. A huge amount of work in our cold temperate climate, but the effect is amazing.

Fernapple 9 Aug 14
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It's truly fascinating how dedicated gardeners can transform a modest urban space into a thriving oasis, especially in a colder climate. The effort they put into overwintering plants in greenhouses and nurturing new ones from seeds each year is a testament to their passion and hard work.
If you're feeling inspired by the beauty of that garden and are looking to enhance your own outdoor space, you might want to consider exploring the world of summerhouses. offers a diverse range of summerhouse designs that can seamlessly blend with your garden's aesthetics. These structures not only provide a cozy retreat but can also serve as a focal point, adding character and charm to your garden.



Robecology Level 9 Aug 14, 2023

Louth Lincolnshire UK.


It looks delightful.
Last month I had the pleasure of visiting the Colac Botanical Gardens & this month the Geelong ones. I think on balance I preferred the Colac which had a simple avenue of oak trees going round the circumference. Most were 100 years old. Geelong has a very good but small hot house & a number of specialising themed areas such as cactuses. Although Geelong is as old as Colac it has not been able to maintain some of the early grandiose plans one of which was a huge glass house.
I must put together some of my photos. Perhaps start a new Public Gardens Group.

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 14, 2023

I bet our Alaskian garden wizard Frosty Jim, could manage a similar project. Very few others could I reckon
I can't but admire the skill, tenacity, dedication and love of gardening these people .

My understanding is that the soil is very fertile & although very short the growing season excellent provided you can keep the moose & other critters out. I do not doubt Jim's expertise I certainly envy some of his produce.


you have to admire the dedication and persistence that went into the garden.
Living within100 km south from the official tropic of Capricorn, Growing heliconias ain't easy here either., they are dead set humid rainforest plants.
I have noticed a few other plants that I would have a challenge to grow in my area.
That garden is truly remarkable

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