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Idea for next year?
Grow potatoes in containers at home with just one potato
What You Need
One seed potato (or sprouted potato)
Large container (10-15 gallons, with drainage holes)
Potting soil or compost
Fertilizer (optional)

  1. Prepare the Potato: Cut a sprouted potato into 2-3 pieces, each with "eyes." Let them dry for 24 hours to prevent rotting.
  2. Prepare the Container: Choose a large container with drainage holes. Fill with 4-6 inches of potting soil or compost, mixed with a bit of fertilizer.
  3. Plant the Potato: Place the potato pieces (sprouts facing up) on the soil. Cover with another 4-6 inches of soil, leaving room to add more soil as the plant grows.
  4. Water Regularly: Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Water when the top inch feels dry.
  5. Add Soil as Plants Grow: As green shoots emerge, keep adding soil to cover the lower parts, leaving the top leaves exposed. This promotes more tuber production.
  6. Provide Sunlight: Place the container in a sunny spot for 6-8 hours of light daily.
  7. Harvest: After 10-12 weeks or when foliage yellows, gently dig to find potatoes.
    Tips for Success
    Use a large container with good drainage.
    Choose healthy seed potatoes or sprouted ones.
    Add soil regularly as the plant grows.
    Protect from frost.
    Space-Saving: Ideal for small spaces.
    Easy to Manage: Control soil and pests effectively.
    No Digging: Simply empty the container to harvest.
Killtheskyfairy 9 Sep 23
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I do not eat starches of any kind nowadays, in fact for over 3 diabetes is in remission, my "I should be dead by now" Congestive Heart Failure has stopped progressing and i'm off lots of meds including statins, one BP, and Insulin
And I tried this idea once upon a time and it was a dismal failure....the stench of rotting potatoes on the deck is Gross!

Thanks for the great feedback!


Interesting idea, but I wouldn't eat that many potatoes in a year!

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