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As soon as I got off work I put my Chicago hardy fig in the ground.

Donto101 7 June 7
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God hates figs
Mark 11:13

Leafhead Level 8 June 8, 2018

That is some dense looking soil

I have some compost mixed in there. Around the sides


You can grow figs in Chicago,wow!

I guess if you go by the name. But I’m hoping it grows good in the central Florida heat.

@Donto101 Oh, I didn't look to see where you lived. Yes I can see figs doing well in Florida, lol.


You are industrious. My purple fig produced one fruit after two years but it sadly got broken off and never ripened. Here's hoping for next season. They do very well round here but it will have to remain tubbed and not let loose...

FrayedBear Level 9 June 7, 2018

I was at a customer’s house that had a huge purple fig. Full of ripe figs. The customer wasn’t home. I couldn’t help myself. I pick a fig and ate it. It was super sweet. I wanted to steal a cutting so bad. It took all my will power not to. I’d be pissed if someone did that to me. I happily give cuttings away but you better not steal one. I forgot about it but now I’m thinking about how nice it would be to grow a cutting from it. Great genetics in that fig.

@Donto101 I rented a place 10 years ago that had a 40 footer. It was full of fruit. Some branches overhang the street and were rapidly defruited by street thieves (good country xtian values). The birds were also a problem wanting to take a bite from each fruit to try it!
I would have asked the client for permission to take a cutting.

@FrayedBear I would have but it was outside work so no one was home and I couldn’t get them on the phone. So I left with no cuttings. I feel like it would be stealing to take a cutting without permission. As far as tasting the fruit there where so many and even many going to waist on the ground. I don’t feel bad about taking a fig to taste. They weren’t harvesting them.

@Donto101 that really annoys me when it is let go to waste like that. I had a stupid woman next door with a magnificent lemon tree loaded with fruit. At least a hundred kilos just all went to waste. Several years back I was lucky to encounter a woman who persuaded her neighbour to let her strip her yellow grapefruit tree for her to sell and raise money for the state children hospital. Over 2 months I had four boxes at $5 / box. Love my fresh squeezed grapefruit for breakfast ... And this was fresh! Too many just grub them out now, the ghastly pink grapefruit is all the rage.

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