9 10

I believe this to be true in the future.

Sheannutt 9 June 11
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Even today I have to watch out for people trying poach out of my garden because it is an island tradition to just help yourself to other people's stuff, especially if those other people are new to the island like me. I now have security cameras and have made it clear that I am quite proficient with a rifle so will try my best to only wing them. 😉 Haven't noticed anything growing legs for a couple of years now..

Surfpirate Level 9 June 11, 2018

@Sheannutt There were really only a couple of curmudgeons who got a thrill out of stealing, I offered to just give it to them but that wasn't the rush for them. When I mentioned I liked to do some target practice and hadn't had to shoot at anybody in ages they went real quiet. Maybe too much excitement for them. 😉

@Sheannutt I'm retired so I have time to mess with people when they try to mess with me. It's like a little hobby of mine.

send them over to poach some of my zucchini....I will look the other direction.... LOL

@SkotlandSkye guaranteed it won't be me you find in your zucchini patch at 2 am lol


I told this to my Russian ex-partner many years ago. I said "Well, if everything goes wrong, we can always come here to Italy and grow our own food in the field. We just need to learn how to grow food". His reply was "If people are hungry and have no food, you will need to learn how to shoot, not how to grow food". But not so fluently, obviously. And as he already knows how to shoot, I suppose it's just me then......

GoldenDoll Level 7 June 11, 2018

@Sheannutt Excellent. You're a good friend to have!


I read at least a year ago that some of your councils are outlawing vegetables and fruit growing in gardens by the road.

FrayedBear Level 9 June 11, 2018

@kenriley And in probability when marijuana plants and magic mushrooms started blooming.


I hope not, unless we downsize significantly.


I am proficient in growing milkweed. At least I will have beautiful Monarch butterflies to keep me company in my final days.

MikeEC Level 7 June 11, 2018

I do miss milkweed and Monarchs....I have plans for a honeybee friendly space... I will have to look into adding milkweeks to that. Maybe if I "build" it...they will come...


And those that can defend what they plant.


I was at my Buddhist meeting yesterday morning --- we were all talking at the end and out of the 16 ladies and six men there, I was the only one with a garden and they were all stunned that I was making zucchini bread that afternoon. Not one of the women had ever made it and several of them never heard of it.
I literally have been gardening and cooking/baking since I could walk. I can't fathom not having that knowledge in my head.


I'm most proficient at growing herbs . Looks like I'll be one of those starving to death , unless I can coax an effective vegetable grower that they need to spice up their vegetables .

Cast1es Level 9 June 11, 2018

I hope that never happens. It will mean the extinction of literally billions of people from starvation and war.

You say that like it's a bad thing....
there are 7.5 billion people.....the Earth would be happier with a few billion less people...

@SkotlandSkye people say to me that there are too many people alive right now and I think "be the change you want to see in the world"
Also, what gives you the idea that the earth is capable of emotions?

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