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Today it hit 90° here in southern Ohio. Little to no wind. And an air quality hazard day due to ozone and particulates. So, I decided a day on the verandah, enjoying the wildlife from the comfort of my hammock was in order. Then I noticed.... weeds. WEEDS!!! So, in order of use:

  1. Roundup, mixed.. extra strong.
  2. Tordon (civilian Agent Orange) on trumpet vines.
  3. Weed Begone.
  4. Preen.
    A nice chilled Muscato quafted in between each product application. Then, relaxing on the hammock. Enjoying the robinettes, butterflies, hummingbirds, and lo and behold! A hummingbird hawk moth!
bigpawbullets 9 June 15
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I would like to personally thank you for poisoning my home.
Knock it off, please. We all have to share the planet, and using poison in place of hard work is not only detrimental to us all, but it is downright lazy.

Leafhead Level 8 June 17, 2018

If you use those chemicals always apply according to label. That sounds like a very hot mix.

Donto101 Level 7 June 16, 2018

Roundup put down in small weedy areas with borders of wood and cardboard isolating them.
Done during early morning with zero wind.
Preen then applied to same areas in the afternoon allowing the Roundup to completely dry first.
Weed Begone used on some thistles growing in the grass. Applied to each weed individually with a sprayer focused very tightly. Good way to walk the entire yard and see what's going on.
Tordon! Everyone's favorite!!! Applied to half a dozen trumpet vine "starts" and a few young honeysuckles along the fence line. Methodology: clip the plant off at ground level, leaving a 1/2 inch or so "stump". Then, carefully apply Tordon to the fresh cut using a small, craft paint brush. Avoid dripping Tordon on the soil or surrounding foliage.
Carefully wash up after removing clothing..... dress in shorts and t-shirt, pour a large glass of vino....


I thought my "Weed Battle" post would get everyone's attention. Thank you all for your concern about Zorak''s and my health. I read the warning stuff on the packages and apply them in areas of my property accordingly. I know many folks abhor the use of strong chemicals, but I find them effective. Anyway, you are all very kind in voicing concerns, and I am grateful.
Think I'll go put a dash of Tordon in my coffee this morning....... Just kidding.


You’re going to kill yourself, your neighbors, and pets using that Monsanto poison. Please read about it and stop using it.

REALLY!!!!! Its 2018 and you are still using that poison.And proud of it? Please tell us you were joking.You are aiding in the deaths of so many things.Show some compassion or intelligence.Please


That is quite the chemical soup you choose to use, you better stay on the porch for a couple of weeks and away from the ground. I run a commercial farm and I would never use 2 of those chemicals, period.

@kenriley I use all chemicals very sparingly but, to get a viable crop sometimes a little modern chemistry helps. I don't use any in my yard though.

@kenriley Agricultural chemicals should never be put into the hands of home owners in my opinion. I spend 100's of hours reading information on the chemicals I am planning to use. I examine the toxicity reports in the context of where, how, and what I am going to use them on. I use full protective gear and chem-safe procedure in handling them. When I read that a homeowner is using Tordon I shudder in fear as it has been banned here for many years.

@kenriley Just want to help him live longer. Our government should protect us from this murderous shit, but they don’t. I’m horrified that our government is completely unresponsive to us about this.

There is a time and a place for RoundUp, and a way to use it. In some cases, like in buckthorn eradication, cut and paint is the only recourse, but none of this broadcast shot is condonable.


also, it's been hot/humid here as well. i'm soaked in ten minutes doing anything outside lately.

blueskies Level 7 June 15, 2018

@kenriley you really need an electrolyte solution if you're gonna try and stay out there. it replaces what you are losing and helps you cope as long as you take frequent breaks also. that's how gatorade got started years ago

@kenriley i make my own and can go all day and feel good afterwards (other than being old and my bones hurting). if i tell you i have to put a disclaimer on it so i won't get in trouble with the law if you use it

@kenriley you don't need much. start with a quart a water, squeeze in two or more lemons, add a couple tablespoons of sugar to taste, around six i'd say and then add a good pinch of salt. mix thoroughly and you're ready to rock and roll. all one needs is water, citrus, sugar and salt
you can last all day on it

@kenriley oh, put it all over a good amount of ice too as the cold will help some. i usually go over board on the ingredients too. it will also taste funny at first as your body won't like the additions of salt to your lemon aide... but then you will crave it

@kenriley remember to also take some breaks, it will help too


the robinettes.... lol. i used to be a wildlife rehabilitator and songbirds were my specialty. i did so many for so long i was thinking about doing a book on hatchling, nestling and fledgling development and identification. to include written identification but also loads of photos so others could tell what they were and so they could be raised on a species appropriate diet. ah well....

blueskies Level 7 June 15, 2018

No time like now.

@FrayedBear i keep thinking about it but other shit in my life takes over

@blueskies there is only one place for shit - down the sewer.

@FrayedBear funny, you made me laugh as that is really quite true, but i cannot throw my deceased brothers affairs down the sewer no matter how bad i want to.... still laughing. priorities!

@blueskies How about this idea? Visualize how you want your book to flow with a tentative table of contents then occasionally post "an essay" in this group with the idea that it may later serve as the basis or one of the chapters in your book. By doing so, the task may not seem so overwhelming, and in addition, you have lots of volunteer editors and cheerleaders in this group. You will have to make do without a pom-pom squad though ? ? ?

Outstanding suggestion.

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