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A gardener's worst nightmare

Leafhead 8 June 28
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That and finding a f#"$ing rabbit eating my Senecio!!

Leafhead Level 8 June 29, 2018

Dag nabit buggers! I'm not sure if I hate them or aphids more!

Aphids I can deal with. These things are unstoppable!


too bad they are so pretty

btroje Level 9 June 28, 2018

Pretty destructive, that is.
They may be a lucky charm in Japan, but around these parts they're just a bad omen.


Japanese beetles. I collect them in a plastic bag & freeze them for my chickens.

Mooolah Level 8 June 28, 2018

How do you get them in the bags?

@CraeftSmith you just pick them up

@btroje I don't have enough time to do that at an effective rate :/

@CraeftSmith Retired I have nothing but time. There are traps that attract them with pheromones. But I like gathering mass quantities in my restored prairie.

I had several large pitcher plants that I fed regularly with Japanese Beetles I collected off my plants They got huge!



Not an acceptable word. Cracker!


@bigpawbullets Dual income no kids?

Um... yes, that's exactly it.

Whatever label you slap on them, they are eating my Aroids! They are devouring my Callas from the inside out, and making hash out of my Amorphophallus and Arisaemas.
They can't die hard enough for me

Went for a walk this morning.
Entrance path to our front door.
You're not alone in your fight.



Look like Japanese beetles to me. They just spent two weeks eating a dwarf peach tree I planted.

freeofgod Level 8 June 28, 2018

Yes... I am quickly being overrun by these little devil's. The traps fill up quickly. I joke that I am attracting them from my neighbors' yards

You could be attracting them. I read that the bait in the traps can attract them for up to a mile.

I have heard similar, that the traps do more harm than good.
Somebody told me that finely ground eggshell suspended and then sprayed on the foliage will tear up their insides.
Butterfly gardeners should not spray on affected host plants, as it will harm caterpillars too.


They look irritating.

More than irritating

Invasive species doing a lot of damage. Saw the 1st one in 1957.

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