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Good morning Gardeners, Day 9 of my morning trip the garden, It turned into two trips, My basket would not hold everything. My daughter picked up the veggies from yesterday this morning, to take to the mission, for the homeless. I didn't have these picked yet or she could have taken these as well. but you know there will be more. I hope everyone is having a good day.
As bad as I want tomatoes,corn and hot peppers, I'm glad they are not ready yet. The stuff I'm getting now is keeping me too busy.

kenriley 8 July 2
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SukiSue Level 8 July 2, 2018

Feeding the hungry masses, I enjoy it. I always plant too much and give more than half of it away to friends and family.

Surfpirate Level 9 July 2, 2018

this seems to be a trend with us gardeners in here....we all donate all our extra...and even plant extra to give away. 🙂

@SkotlandSkye Although it is not a given, the husband of a woman who walks her dog past my house daily just told me that he didn't want anymore kale or lettuce because it was too much. Then he took a shot at me about the custom home I am building because he is an internet expert, even though I am a Master Builder and he knows it. The wife and dog are friendly but he's a bit of a pompous prick so I just smiled and told him it was not a problem I will give his share to others who want it. The wife was aghast because I know they need the help but I don't go to the time, sweat and expense of putting in and tending a garden to be insulted. The share I set aside for them will go to someone else now and if nobody wants it I will compost it. The sad thing is that he's an Atheist.

@kenriley I'd like to think it is just his pride talking because he has been a bit down on his luck lately but he really is a pompous ass.

@MissKathleen I can't imagine that she is because she was standing right beside him when he said it and she said nothing. Not a problem, there are others who will benefit from the harvest.

@Surfpirate defence mechanism and perhaps pride?. Why not try the "of course if it is too much produce for you I'm sure that you have friends who would love it". And if he doesn't like taking something for nothing ask him if he could do some research for you on the internet - like finding the ideal location for that hotel that you want to build and then a suitable block of land?


You baskets are overflowing too! It's a good year for gardening from here to there!

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