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Today's harvest nopal and figs, along with showing off my orchid

Arshi 5 July 3
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how do you cook the nopal?

btroje Level 9 July 3, 2018

First I clean the glochids or thorn and this is the hard part. You have to dip in water and wear full gloves, otherwise the thorns fly every where. You have to remove the eye of thorn with the roots, they are deceiving. Then wash, boil, drain and they are ready to use. YouTube have reciepe for cake, flat breads, fried breads, or slices them and use it over any taco, or salad or with eggs, or steaks. You can also blend them to make salsa, or drinks. I also like to put a tablespoon in my latte. I have also cooked them with potatoes. You have to follow the recipe or you will have a slimy mess in stews, but they work great in stews as a thickening agents. I am not very good at it but if you fire grill, you can burn the tiny thorn and it will cook the nopal. It gives a smoky flavor which I am not sure if I am getting it right. There are lot of good video on you tube. Some of the video show people picking it with hands and munching on them. I have the thorn less variety but I always boil them as they taste much better.

@Arshi I have eaten them at real Mexican restaurants here. It is almost like they are grilled and pickled.THey sell them in the grocery her as well as some other things that look like agave leaves. I would have no clue how to prepare those either


Now I'm hungry for grilled cactus....


Nopal! YUM!

Surfpirate Level 9 July 3, 2018


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