I've an ethical question . A few years back , my backyard neighbor , came to me , and demanded I cut down my mature trees , along our shared fence ( Oleanders ) . I told her I like the shade and privacy they provided and love to see the flowers . They were planted more than thirty five years ago , long before I bought this place , and are a part of the reason I found it so attractive . L told her no , I wasn't cutting down my trees . She complained they were tired of raking up the leaves from my trees . The mowing service they hire attaches a bag to the side of the side of their mower that collects the grass cuttings and leaves . They have never raked their yard . Three days later , I saw through the fence , that they had put new plants in . We had an exceptionally cold winter that year . I lost several oleanders that had been growing along the fence , exactly where she wanted me to cut mine down . The plants they had put in , were a pomegranet tree , a peach tree , and a grapefruit tree . They also added some kind of vines that grew up their trees and mine , and had some kind of weird melon growing on it . These were in addition to the fig tree they had had growing before I bought my place . The fig tree had never grown much fruit , and the squirrels ate what did grow there . At any rate , one of the huge oleanders that died , grew across the fence from their fig tree . It did , however , have a small sprout growing at it's base . I pulled out the dead oleander and began feeding and watering the sprout . Poor thing has routinely been abused by others who didn't know I was trying to save it , but that's a different story . It's finally growing , again . But the fig tree , which they don't harvest , has been escathic , for the fertilizer and watering , I give the little oleander . And is producing heavily . Last two years , when the melons they planted dropped in my yard , I've been gently tossing them over the fence into their yard . This year they've got an additional vine , hanging over the fence , and loaded with some kind of l o n thing bean pods . So the question is , if what they plant is growing in my yard , and isn't being harvested , do I let it rot , return it to my (nasty) neighbors , or harvest it ?
Eat it. I eat from my neighbor's plum tree. The plums will rot if I don't eat them. It's legal to pick, eat, cut back anything on your side of the fence.
So am I deducing correctly that they may have killed your oleanders?
If so I think that would become a very hard spot to grow anything in the future.... just sayin'.
They sound like a pitfa. I might have a hard time being so kind as to return fruit to them....
And they can pound salt as far as picking up leaves from trees! Why don't people like this just cut to the chase and move into a condo or something.
Posted by FrostyJim...I have enough room for a few good people.
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Posted by FrostyJim.