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Supposed to be 100+ degrees all week. Good thing I finished installing the drip irrigation this morning

farmboy2017 7 July 18
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Looks like you have gone hy-teck.

Anybody can do it!

@farmboy2017 I would have just built one based on a needle valve to control the rate.

@HeathenFarmer I've done that but this system has timers so I can go on vacation and still get things watered.

@farmboy2017 Vacations are an important part of gardening.


Container gardening in Phoenix... Mostly my greens and a couple herbs are still alive. The heat killed off everything else.

My containers really suffer during intense heat. Not enough soil to dissipate the heat and the sun superheats the sides of the containers. I prop up boards to shade the containers.


I am working in Las Cruces and its the same. Luckily I am inside and the hotel has a pool

btroje Level 9 July 18, 2018

I'm at home with the AC, a cold one and watching The Bourne Supremacy!!


Ah, a very pleasant 38°C. if the humidity is below 10% though it does dry the soil out quickly hence why your mulch is so important.

FrayedBear Level 9 July 18, 2018

In the past I put drip under weed fabric and poked holes where I planted cantelope. Works great!!


Everything looks good! We've had a over an inch of rain this week, and more expected tonight. In mid July, not usual but very welcome.

Always improves the plants more than chlorinated fluoridated town water!

@FrayedBear for sure!! Even when I water my house plants I let the water sit at least overnight so some of the chemicals will dissipate.

No rain on our forecast. It's another Texas drought.

@HippieChick58 LMAO ROF I would need a few thousand watering cans just for my tiny yards!

@FrayedBear Outside my garden gets watered by my sprinker system, I don't have the time to do anything fancy or permanent. Maybe some day.


I am feeling for 'ya doood.

Mooolah Level 8 July 18, 2018


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