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Please people, avoid any products which contain glysophate as it is proving to be a bane on this world, entering the food chain at all levels. It's even finding it's way into honey, that most pure of foods.


powder 8 Oct 23
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‘Science’ is only as good as the parameters of the study. This report outlines why the European guidelines (finding little evidence that glyphosate causes cancer) are very different from the International standards (stating that glyphosate is a probable carcinogen) The European guidelines didn’t incorporate a bunch of damning evidence for highly questionable reasons.

Justjoni Level 8 Oct 24, 2018

"The decision will almost certainly be appealed, and is being widely criticized because it is not in line with the science. " (emphasis mine) []
Science can't be determined at the voting booth, or in a court of law. The authorities have no control over reality.

Ribarnica Level 5 Oct 23, 2018

@powder Please see the definition of a pesticide according to FIFRA the Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act ,


That is really very interesting. I just made a post about a local billionaire who just died from non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Paul Allen had been battling this for years and it went into recession but then came back. He was only 65.

JackPedigo Level 9 Oct 23, 2018

Is there anything out there that is safer and as effective as Roundup?

mikebeed Level 7 Oct 23, 2018

RoundUP IS glysophate. I will not use it ever. I'd go with a spray of vinegar and soap to kill weeds.

@HippieChick58 I will try that next year!


Glysophate even sounds bad. Is it a preservative?

Leafhead Level 8 Oct 23, 2018

Oh I recognize it now, the active ingredient in RoundUp.
That, with Neonix, are choking the life out of Earth's pollinators

@powder according to this: [] its half life ranges from 1-174 days, depending on conditions.

Does Ergocalciferol sound bad too? How about Tocotrienol, or Phylloquinone? Well, bad news, those are Vitamins D2, E and K, and necessary for life and health. Your inability to pronounce something has absolutely no bearing on its health profile.


Is it listed in the ingredients ?

Cast1es Level 9 Oct 23, 2018

Residue on non-organic produce will NOT be listed in any ingredients list, as produce doesn’t have any such lists. When tainted produce is used in prepared foods, again the ingredients listed will NOT include the herbicides and pesticides used on said produce. Buy organic!

@Justjoni Pesticides are also used on organic foods, and since organic-permitted pesticides are less effective, they are used at higher levels, leaving proportionally higher residues.

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