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We put a "habitat" garden in our yard mostly to attract humming birds and butterflies. After 5+ years we've let it expand and connect with the woods behind our lot. It's amazing to see the variety of birds, pollenators, and fauna that now visits. I'd hope more of us do this:

bigpawbullets 9 Dec 29
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I've done the same thing as you. I did have to evict a raccoon one year. He hung around and dug a hole in the fascia of my garage. When he left one evening I replaced the fascia that was rotten.

flower_nut Level 7 Dec 30, 2018

Love this. I am lucky, I have 10.5 acres - about 3, maybe a little more, is cleared and the rest is woods. I have a deer family that beds down at the bottom, a skunk family, several opossum, I have seen 2 fox & 3 raccoon and a bear was spotted about 1/2 mile away. ❤ my hideaway.

Heidi68 Level 8 Dec 29, 2018

@OwlInASack originally I was going to clear the woods so I could have more pasture for my horses but have since decided my horses are retired & 3 acres is more than enough for them. The wild critters need it more.


Sadly, my city does not allow this. They've even introduced fines for unacceptable landscaping.

pixiedust Level 8 Dec 29, 2018

We've the same mindset in the urban centers.
Dayton would rather have an abandoned wreck of a house sitting on a lot, with untended lawn, than a micro-forest. Very strange.

@bigpawbullets I shudder.


Thank you for that, my sentiments exactly. When I lived in Seattle I landscaped the front and back yards and did so with an eye for getting a certification of habitat garden, which I got. Moving here that seemed silly as the property (1+acre) is pretty much full of creatures. We did plant some hummingbird plants and in the Spring/early summer several hummingbirds are all over them. However, there are some animals I don't want namely deer, rabbits and coons. I found a natural spray with garlic concentrate that keeps the deer away. I found pruning some plants like the chestnut tree attract deer and helps me get rid of the leaves. It has been a matter of selective attracting the deer.

JackPedigo Level 9 Dec 29, 2018

We've a 6 foot high privacy fence around our back yard. Keeps the deer in the woods. No deterrent to the racoon though. I've one living under our shed.

@bigpawbullets I have heard the when desperate a mature deer can jump a 6' fence. One thing they don't like is unstable ground so I have a perimeter of rocks around the outside of the fence. This also keeps rabbits from digging underneath. For Racoons you need a solar electric wire running about shoulder high around the fence.


I love this

Livinlife Level 9 Dec 29, 2018

thanks for doing that! We all need to do that as we encroach on their habitat

btroje Level 9 Dec 29, 2018

It provides endless hours of entertainment. Much better than television!


And we will be left quite alone with only our parasites for company. Every garden can be and should be a nature reserve.

Fernapple Level 9 Dec 29, 2018

Parasites, rats and roaches!!!

@JackPedigo Yes I was including rats and roaches under parasites, we will be the only food and more and more things will find ways to feed on us. Humans and human waste, Yum!

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