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Some of my favourite moments in the garden. I may have posted these in a previous post so here they are again.
Can anyone identify these flowers and the spider?
Number 9 is not a paniculata but a divaricata.

flower_nut 7 Feb 17
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If that's a Southern garden, then the spider is the "Golden Orb Weaver"


Robecology Level 9 Feb 17, 2019

The web looks similar but I'm up in Canada on the east coast. It's a common spider in Nova Scotia. Here is a better look and I assume it made this web.

@flower_nut My "free" apple download says it's an "Angulate Orbweaver"....Araneus species...

Barn spider
DescriptionAraneus cavaticus, commonly known as the barn spider, is a common orb-weaver spider native to North America. They are around three-quarters of an inch in length and are usually yellow and brown in color. They often construct their webs in wooden human structures, hence their common name. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Araneus cavaticus

Thank you! The garden and forest around here are full of barn spiders. The garden also has many crab spiders.

@flower_nut GREAT shot of a crab spider devouring a bee! Wow!


1 - morning glory
2 - Iris
3 - Asiatic lily
4 - some kind of coneflower
5 - looks like one of those button sunflowers
6 - Echinacea coneflower
7 - some kind of daisy?
8 - lilies
9 - ?
10 - creepy little creep, please keep her up there...

Heidi68 Level 8 Feb 17, 2019

Very good. Here are the answers to what the flowers are. I left the spider alone btw.🙂
2-Japanese Iris(lake effect)
3-Daylily(candy cane dreams)
4-Coneflower(hot papaya)
6-Coneflower(double scoop™ bubble gum)
8-Oriental lily(stargazer) with Daylily(radiation biohazard)
9-Garden spider on a Dahlia(glenbank twinkle)
10-Phlox (divaricata)

I mixed up the last two just switch them around, sorry.🙂


Beautiful colours and variety of shapes/form.
As for the spider I hope that the bird that eats it is more handsome!

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 17, 2019

Thanks. I didn't see the bird eat it and there are many more to fill its spot.

@flower_nut So long as they do not bite!

I don't think the barn spider is harmful just hairy and to some degree scary. They have 100s of babies that cluster together. If you disturb the cluster of spiders they scatter and eventually all cluster back together again.

@flower_nut I have sometimes encountered similar situations here. The other is when they are all attached to the parent's body ready to find new rest when sufficiently grown.
Some of ours here in Australia can be dangerously & painfully venemous. But in 40+ years I have only had one bite when handling a rotting trunk in the yard and never had need for anti venene and hope that I never do require it.

Spiders keep to themselves but ants take over the garden. With every third rock in my garden, there is an ants nest under it. When planting new plants sometimes ants will build a nest in the roots and remove the soil around them causing the plant to die. I've lost several plants due to ants.

@flower_nut don't think that I've ever encountered that.

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