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My next-door neighbor of 24 years died last week. She lived alone after losing her husband a few years back to cancer. I’m not normal and I don’t do normal things so instead of sending flowers to her family I decided to have my gardener plant flowers in the bare spots in front of her house, where flowers once were. I didn’t even know she was sick, I saw her a week before she passed and spoke to her. I got in a conversation with my neighbor, another single lady on the other side of me yesterday and as it turns out she had just told the gardener that they share that she had cancer, she was dying and to make the yard look really good because she wasn’t going to be around and she wanted it nice for her family. I had no way of knowing this at the time so I suppose I was able to help her with her last wishes of just having her place look nice after she left. Her name was Ramonde, she died at home. She was a good neighbor, she was a teacher and my daughters French teacher in high school. She was completely alert and coherent in her final days. A bestie , with cancer always says "Living is hard. Dying is harder." I hope she didn’t suffer very much.
? ❤️???

CaroleKay 8 Mar 17
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That's sweet.


It's hard to lose a neighbor you are fond of. I had a neighbor across the alley who was also retired. he and I would stand and talk for a long time (even though we didn't have a lot in common). One day, after a few minutes, he said he had to sit. He had gotten a hernia and was waiting for an appointment with the VA. When his time came he had the surgery as an outpatient. He was walking back to his car when a blood clot formed and went to his brain. I really missed him.

JackPedigo Level 9 Mar 17, 2019

Thanks, Xoxo. ♥


How kind of you to do this in her honor!

Rustee Level 7 Mar 17, 2019

I'm sure you made her feel cared for and happy in her last few days.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Mar 17, 2019

Thanks, I did this after she passed. I did not know she was sick or dying.


That’s really thoughtful
It’s lovely to hear thats there’s still wonderful neighbors like you ?

Lllewis Level 7 Mar 17, 2019

What a wonderful gift.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 17, 2019

I wish you were my neighbor. ? That was a thoughtful and loving thing to do for your neighbor. I'm sure her family appreciated the pretty flowers at such a sad time.


You are a amazing person for doing that for her. I can’t think of anything sweeter to do in someone’s memory. Thanks for sharing. This post kinda hit me hard because it is the 5 year anniversary of my father’s death. This is a really hard and dark day for me. And you just made it a little brighter.

Donto101 Level 7 Mar 17, 2019

Thank you. I have been very emotional myself lately thinking a lot about my mom who passed less than two years ago. I understand the pain. But we have our gardens! Xoxo. Much love and peace to you. ♥


Such a nice sentiment and a eulogy to her life. 🙂

Surfpirate Level 9 Mar 17, 2019

Thank you so much for sharing that.....It's these small kindnesses that make all the difference in the world.

Lavergne Level 8 Mar 17, 2019

You rank amongst the good people in this world.That was a beautiful thing to do and you had no idea what happened to her.I think she knows you did it and is smiling.PEACE

lookinhard Level 7 Mar 17, 2019

That is a beautiful gesture. It is amazing how fragile life is and you think you know what is going on around you. I lost a few neighbors like that and I heard two of my neighbors are going through some major health issues.
You are a beautiful person!

Zoohome Level 8 Mar 17, 2019
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