3 17

It is budding up to be a phenomenal spring & summer. Roses, blackberries, grapes, peaches, blueberries, strawberries & my Iris' are about to explode! So exciting πŸ˜β€πŸŒΉπŸŒ»πŸŒΌπŸ“πŸ‡πŸ‘

Heidi68 8 Apr 17
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Beautiful. Have you ever tried oriental lillys? Root flower. Grows green plant which dies out then spikes a beautiful, fragrant, white bloom.

freeofgod Level 8 Apr 17, 2019

I have a lily but I don't remember which one it is. The one you described sounds amazing.

@Heidi68 , I had never heard of them until I saw a bulb in a package on clearance. Not a fast spread. Good for small spaces.

@freeofgod do you have any pictures?

Do you have it planted?

@Heidi68 , let me try again. I can't post photos or links from this chromebook. This must be why they use them in schools around here.


I just had my first iris and passion vine blooms today.

glennlab Level 10 Apr 17, 2019

And where are the pictures 😊

@Heidi68 They are both near the cardinal's nest, so I'm giving her a little deference.

@glennlab I guess I will let it slide then 😊


So pretty. Ive been enjoying all my plants coming back to life here in Southwest Texas too.

If all of these fruit plants produce I am going to be in trouble.... πŸ˜€

@Heidi68 don't forget to start thinning the fruit soon. I used to start by removing as many doubles as i could find

@glennlab I have to thin them? You mean I can't just let them run wild?

@Heidi68 Not if you want good fruit, trees naturally set more fruit than they can support and will abort some, but the primary reason is to spread seeds, so by eliminating the less desirable fruit, the tree puts more energy into making it attractive for someone to eat and spread its seed.

@glennlab well we will see if I can figure out proper fruit growing

@Heidi68 They are so worth it when they produce.

@glennlab I am hoping so. I eat a lot of fruit (berries) and am trying to cut single use plastic out of my world. So I figures if I grow it myself I cam try to freeze extra for the winter and I won't have to buy it.

@Heidi68 I don't know if you like dried fruit, but it is really simple and retains almost all the nutrients. Food dehydrates have gotten a lot lesss expensive and you don't have to do a bushell at once anymore.

@glennlab not my favorite but I may attempt to dry some if I am lucky enough to harvest that much.

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