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Ooops, I left 7 Ollas in containers three years ago. They all froze off at ground level or split. I've not planted anything in this space for the past three seasons. Now I live next door in the tiny house!

potteryguy2018 6 May 20
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Why did you switch houses ?

Cast1es Level 9 May 20, 2019

You can still use them for some gardening decoration. 😊

Zoohome Level 8 May 20, 2019

I can break them up and bury beneath new Ollas. The clay will still retain water. My plan is to market these from my studio next to my tiny house.


This is an interesting idea and I have often thought of using it. However, it does sometimes freeze here and even our drip irrigation systems have to be blown out.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 20, 2019

Gotta watch the cold weather for sure!


You said it best, oops!

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