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just wanted to share the latest batch of "blooms". We found the wild (native) azaleas growing in a couple of spots on the property...the lilies and the daylilies are all blooming now along with a Christmas cactus (its actually an easter cactus -but still running a little late 🙂

Lavergne 8 May 30
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This morning's walk thru....hydrangeas and balloon flowers blooming

Lavergne Level 8 June 6, 2019

My lilies are just about ready!

Hathacat Level 9 June 6, 2019

The last one is confusing. What's blooming? Someone has agreed to use a portion of my vegetable garden. I was cleaning out a raised bed for her and she pointed out some Poppy weeds and said not to pull those. I then grabbed a large, reddish/purple plant and she said that was orach and it is edible. Apparently people actually grow this and somehow one found it's way into the garden. []

JackPedigo Level 9 May 31, 2019

the last one was just whimsy......I sort of collect birdhouses and that one came with the house - but had fallen out of the tree when a piece of it broke off. So I just put it by the front door with a couple of bunnies and some Spanish moss.... 🙂

@Lavergne Silly me. I was cleaning (finally) the garden supplies from my late partner and what did I find? A bag marked Orach. She had planted these and I didn't realize it. So where do you get your birdhouses?

@JackPedigo Everywhere....some are the "real things" that were built for the birds to nest in and some are just ornamental - although from what I've seen, some of these birds will go for any port in a storm. One of the old abandoned birdhouses is now home to a flying squirrel. Scared the crap out of my husband when it came flying out of there the other day - he was NOT expecting that!! 😉

@Lavergne One big problem with nesting boxes is that some larger animals (crows, starlings and squirrels) can actually enlarge the entrance hole and gain access to the eggs. I have learned to add something to strengthen the hole (wooden curtain rings are great). I also will nail some ornamental tacks around the hole or even cut a piece of hardwood with a hole and place it over the original hole. I have even made birdhouses with a mosaic tile front.


We never managed to get our Easter and Christmas cacti flower at the right time. Now they just do their thing when they want to

CeliaVL Level 7 May 30, 2019

That's because the growers "force" them to bloom at the most beneficial times for retail purposes (Christmas, easter, etc). They don't naturally bloom exactly at those times - so after you buy them and bring them home, they will revert to their own natural schedules,...


I love the bunnies! And the color of that lilly, WOW!!!!!

Allikat Level 6 May 30, 2019

What a pretty dark pink lily.

Zoohome Level 8 May 30, 2019
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