6 16

1 - yummy grapes
2 - yummy peaches
3 & 4 - oh boy oh boy sunflowers
5 & 6 - wild fungus
7 - my hydrangea is finally blooming
8 - Pinata rose
9 - don't I have the coolest mailbox - I mean, daylillies 😊

Heidi68 8 June 8
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All beautiful

Livinlife Level 9 June 9, 2019

Thank you


I have been planning to make a flower bed under my cool snoopy mail box and the neighbors ugly mailboxes that are also on my side of the property.

Zoohome Level 8 June 9, 2019

I had a friend paint my mailbox! A view of home every time I pull in my drive 😀 The lilies hide the post (at least during the summer and they are so hardy I don't have to do anything with them.


You might be able to eat those myshrooms.
I was weeding my flower bed and I ripped the leaves of my daylily. 😱. Luckily I could not pull the roots fast enough. It is growing back. Lol

Zoohome Level 8 June 9, 2019

Someone might be able to eat them but it won't be me 😀😀😀

@Heidi68 don't you like mushroom?

@Zoohome nope

@Heidi68 than I guess just enjoy the beauty 😄


What variety of grapes are these? I have some seedless, green table grapes. Variety Interlaken. Here they won't be ready until Sept. Do you have problems with birds eating the grapes?

JackPedigo Level 9 June 8, 2019

Honestly I don't remember what varieties I planted - somewhere I have a card with the different names.
The birds have cleaned off my blueberries but haven't bothered the blackberries or grapes ..... yet....

@Heidi68 I had the birds eat all my grapes 2 years ago. I found a solar Eagle and it did the trick. []
It's eyes light up and when a bird is near it makes a noise. It also is painted with UV paint so it is more visible to the birds.


Yes, your maibox is cool. My hydrangea blooms white and is almost finished (probably is after 4 days of rain). I'm surprised yours is so late.

Nice photos.

My friends out on the coast are in full bloom and I am over here just waiting ..... 😁😁

@Heidi68 Your patience will pay off.


They are all beautiful, your peaches have some worm damage (the sap balls are the give away) If you have time remove the ones that have the worm damage now and you will get much better fruit from the ones left.

glennlab Level 10 June 8, 2019

How do I get rid of the worms?

@Heidi68 Once they are inside the fruit, the only way is to remove the fruit. I would compost mine and the heat kills the worm. They normally go after the weaker fruit, less fruit normally means stronger fruit. If you want to satisfy your curiousity, remove one of the bleeders, take sharp knife and slice into the fruit. you will see the little worm and feces. these damaged fruit will mature first and the next generation will hatch out to infest next year's crop. Check with your county extention agent (USDA), they should be able to tell you what works in your area to prevent infestations.

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