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All last summer, fall, and winter I made yummy salsa from the tomatoes, peppers, onions, and garlic that I grew in my garden! It was my delicious study food! I can't wait to start making some this summer. Any other recipes that are easily made from garden produce?

PiperMckenna 6 June 27
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That Salsa looks yummy enough to eat directly! I shouldn't read these when I'm hungry....LOL!

Robecology Level 9 July 1, 2019

It never lasted long at home. haha!


Add a few courgettes and we call it pisto here in Spain. Goes with so many things!

CeliaVL Level 7 June 28, 2019

Really? That's awesome!


I will slice fresh squash and dip in ranch dressing, same with cucumbers almost all the vegies can be eaten this way.

glennlab Level 10 June 28, 2019

I don't really like ranch. That's one of the problems I've run into eating them straight. Maybe there's a different flavor veggie dip at the store. I'll check.

@PiperMckenna You can use almost any salad dressing as a dip, or chip dip, I use a catalina dressing for my grape tomatoes. You can experiment from different dressing recipes, nothing is sacred, modify to your hearts content until you find what you like. I add V8 to my salsa so that it is watery without reducing flavor appreciably. I happen to like it thin on chips, but thick when I use it as a salad dressing. You'll also find that each batch tastes different, that's just a by product of using fresh ingredients.

@glennlab Hmmm, I'll have to experiment. the dressings I usually use for salad are raspberry or strawberry vinaigrette, but I like french okay too.

@PiperMckenna I just put it in a sauce cup and dunk.


I spiralize zucchini and saute the noodles in butter or avocado oil, garlic and onion...add some fresh tomatoes, a sprinkling of parmasen cheese, salt and pepper...easy peasy...

I make salsa, similar to yours, but also make black bean salsa by adding a can of rinsed black beans...really easy...ha ha

thinktwice Level 8 June 27, 2019

Oooh! I had never thought of adding beans! I really should have. I guess I've never had them in salsa before. My little sister is really into making zucchini noodles. I haven't grown any zucchinis yet, so they've always been store bought. I've planted some this year though.

@PiperMckenna You are so talented...I can see the connection of your garden with your art and photography...

You can also add corn if you like to the salsa to almost make a meal of nachos! ha ha

@thinktwice Awww, thank you! I just get bored really easy so I try my hand at whatever I'm in the mood for. Gardening and painting stuck...Other things like sculpture and sketching didn't.

I love nachos and cheese! I hate corn, unfortunately, but with the beans it would pretty much be a meal already!

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