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I have run into a crazy situation with a Wisteria vine, Wisteria sinensis. I have noticed another plant emanating among the normal (so I thought) vine (you can see the different leaves and the mystery plant is not a vine. I asked a landscaper friend and sent him pictures and this is what he wrote back: ”Your mystery plant must be the wisteria rootstock sprouting it's own shoots below the graft. That looks like Wisteria sinensis, which they graft the fancier Japanese cultivars onto. It has the different foliage. The flowers are generally in smaller clusters, so not as striking as the Japanese varieties.” Apparently grafting is used even for non-edible plants. On the one picture you can clearly see the original plant coming from one of the main trunks (lower right on the 2nd picture). A warning, even though this plant can be beautiful it can also be a plant from hell

JackPedigo 9 Aug 24
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just clear around the rootstock and cut off any shoots from below the graft

I wish. The main trunk is massive (I should get a picture). The original plant has become a chimera (a later posting) and is growing along all parts of the main trunks. I have a crab next to the Wisteria and it also sends out shoots, but they come in clumps of a dozen or more and there are several and they grow fast. I have tried cutting these off but it only gives more energy to the tree and is is getting too big for it's breeches.

check the time for pruning in your part of the world - prune hard when the tree is dormant and you reduce the growth spurt reaction


So very true about how this plant can be a monster to tame. I have to trim my two that I've trained to grow up onto my pergola at least every other month. Otherwise it would be growing up onto my roof and damaging my shingles. Since I just got a new roof put on in May I am taking care to keep the vines off the roof. The flowers are beautiful in the Spring but boy is it a lot of work to keep control of.

If it is all one has there shouldn't be much of a problem but with several gardens here and elsewhere I have to find a way to remove it.


Yes, I love vines and have four sets of them, but they can be monsters!

One can easily become slaves to plants.


The plot thickens. I just learned I may have a chimera "That's very interesting. I wonder if you have a graft chimera, where tissue of the root stock grows in a layer up through the grated part and makes the plant produce two kinds of foliage and flowers?." []

JackPedigo Level 9 Aug 24, 2019

Often sadly, grafting is just done for cheapness and speed, even with things that grow very well on their own roots, and the rootstock is therefore often something cheap and vigorous which is easy to propagate, but which will just not stay put in the long term.

Fernapple Level 9 Aug 24, 2019

As an amateur orchardist I am aware of grafting principles. I have done lots of grafting and still do some occasionally. But it did surprise me that the Wisteria was a graft. The original rootstock is very vigorous and may push out the vine wisteria.

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