4 8

My chemistry is right. I have a light fuzz of algae growing on the walls, the water has cleared back up, I think that I have raccoon proofed it. The first 50 fish have mostly survived (feeder goldfish). I counted 10 dead over a week. Everyone left is using the tubes to avoid the birds and darting about. Today, I am going to add at least another 100 fish and a couple of bundles of plants. and see if I can find another blue lotus, if not I'll do a red one again. It is 1600 gallons and still a work in progress. I live on Austin Chalk, so a deeper inground is not a possibility .

glennlab 10 Sep 6
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An update the goldfish are already eating the algae off the sides and gathering in separate schools. I've lost several of the wild fish I put in, but their mortality rate historicly has been 50% or more, and about 5 more goldfish are sleeping with the worms.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 8, 2019

I put 20 gold fish in my pond and havn't seen them sense . I've got bullfrogs that I think they ate them . I like the pvc pipes idea .

Besalbub Level 8 Sep 8, 2019

I started that about20 yeaars ago when i would put crawfish in. They needed a place to hide that the bass couldn't work his way into. Been doing it ever since. some are open and some of the shorter ones are capped on one end.

@glennlab Do you have bass and crawfish in there ?

@Besalbub not yet. I put about 15 yellow bass in that are smaller than the goldfish. The craw fish won't be available until January or February. I'll get a lotus and some cattails to give them cover and provide extra compost. If you don't keep those two aquatic plants thinned, you end up with a mudpit with no water.

Were your goldfish fancy or comet feeders?

@glennlab I guess feeders they may still be alive the pond is about four feet deep with a lot of algae and low visibility . I started to pump it out but with the low water table the cement pond started to float .

@Besalbub plants will filter your algae out cattails and lotus work best for me. the lotus will slowly block out the exces sunlight and suck up the excess algae in their roots, I did my cattails from local ditches so they are already acclimated and thriving in my area. you only need a few plants with their roots cleaned off to get started.

@glennlab Got plenty of cat tails . I'm thinking of a gravel bottom filter , they have always worked for me in aquareams .

@Besalbub that might work, but remember ponds thrive in a natural state. How big is your pond?


A fine work in progress mate, looks like you have quite some landscaping to do!

first rule on a self project is make sure it funtions before you close it all in.

@glennlab Very wise! Early days but looking the business.


Get a apple mint! Lol, just my favorite. Looking good!

Hathacat Level 9 Sep 6, 2019

I haven't seen any lately, but I'll keep it in mind

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