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I have stripped my thai pepper and pequine pepper plants several times and kept putting them in pickling vinegar(15 % ). Yesterday I processed them into "hot" sauce. Cleaning up, I realized that this is about 10x hotter than anything I have ever used. I keep habenero sauce for spicing up my food, so I know hot.
My delima is, can I recan it into smaller jars (I have 2 quart jars now). or do I take my chances of the jar spoiling after it has been opened before I can use it all,

glennlab 10 Sep 15
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Checked all the sites, varying recommendations, going to buy smaller jars and reprocess it. There is no way I'm going to go through a quart at a time.

glennlab Level 10 Sep 15, 2019

Do you have the time and energy to recan? If so do, If not, take your chances or have some parties!

things that I normally put half a jar into will be a tablespoon, so a LOT of parties.

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