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Hi, just wanted introduce the gardener in me this group. My first career of about 20 years as as a commercial organic grower. I worked by hand, having apprenticed in the bio-intensive method with John Jeavons--some of you may know his How Grow More Vegetables. I later was his garden manager and wrote a couple of books way back when, one a history of intensive gardening and one on how to grow a complete human diet in the smallest possible area--a pretty nerdy book, there are cut-out cardboard slide rules in it. Now in NH and owning a home--about a year in it--I have converted half the front yard to what I would have to call intensive no-dig beds. The other half I have rye in now and will go into fruit of different sorts in the spring. In the back I have just finished the hardscaping what we call our Spanish garden. We did 250 miles of the Camino de Santiago this summer, and it is a space suggest the sorts of places we would have a beer and sing and in the afternoons after walking--it will have a small garden of the plants we saw while we walked. So I am back being a real gardener after a long stretch in a completely different world and really enjoying it.

DavidDuhon 7 Nov 7
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Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome, looking forward to your contributions.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 7, 2019

Well Hello! And welcome aboard! Quite the experiences you have to share with us all. Like others, I am curious how you find zone 5 gardening, after California and the deep South. I myself grew up gardening in the Pacific Northwest (Grandpa and an absolutely phenominal paradise of intensely cultivated suburban garden that really inspired my mom to garden, and then later me too. Now I have been on the Gulf Coast 30+ years, it was a huge adjustment. But we have long growing seasons here.
I heard a podcast yesterday on GardeNerd, in which the guest lives in Nova Scotia and uses simple greenhouses and compost-heat to garden most of the year. It is amazing.

@DavidDuhon That would be nice. I don't have a message button? Hmm. Tech mysteries.


Hi and welcome and we always like pictures!


Sounds like you're returned to your first love .

Cast1es Level 9 Nov 7, 2019

@DavidDuhon However we sometimes lose weeks at the start of the grow season now. I've seen it affect locally grown corn crops here in CT.
It depends very much on the severity of the winter. And many of the folks I know do starters indoors and then move outside when it's safe.


Wonderful story. Welcome and enjoy.

Fernapple Level 9 Nov 7, 2019
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