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This unseasonable cold has really been frustrating!

First I spent a lot of time conditioning some soil and then seeding a low maintenance grass seed in October, the normally recommended time to plant that seed. Just about the time I might have expected some signs of germination, the colder weather hit. Now I am hoping that nothing approached germination and the seeds will lie dormant till spring, minus of course, those donated to the rodent and bird populations.

Second I had a bunch of shrubs, plants and bulbs to plant. Left the bulbs till last, because in a normal year, I would have had plenty of time to get them in. Almost everything is in now but I'm not sure what will make it through the early cold. And I have about 40 bulbs more to put in.

Thanks for letting me vent. 🙂

itsmedammit 8 Nov 8
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I had the same problem here in Ohio of holding back putting in bulbs...when the season was right the ground was wrong; hard as rock from September drought. I managed to get around a hundred put in last week (new garden) but I still have a few left. I think I'll hold them back til spring. Although they won't bloom, they will probably still come up and establish themselves for the following spring. Plus, after 100 already, it will help a little with placement. 😳

Sounds like a good plan.


If you're in's "harvest" time. Time to "close down" the gardening until spring.

To expect "germination" in October is....just not reasonable.

This a "cool season" grass seed, creeping red fescue, in particular. Generally around here, fescue is planted in September-October. Temps have been cooler than normal even during October, so perhaps I will be lucky and no germination has occurred.


You should still be able to get the rest of your bulbs planted , unless you left them sitting outside . They won't know or care that a frost hit before they got in the ground .

Cast1es Level 9 Nov 8, 2019

Thanks. I will get them in still.

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