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I am loving the warm weather but .... everything is starting to bud! Hydrangea, peaches, roses & all the trees in the woods behind my house.

Heidi68 8 Dec 30
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Same here North Florida.....cold weather plantings getting flowers...too warm, more like spring

Wiseowl Level 4 Jan 9, 2020

I feel your Angst. Here in South Louisiana, we are already just outside of zones traditionally able to grow peaches, so I don't even try, but my hydrangeas and roses are also budding, and I planted baby dahlias for the first time last year. They survived our summer scorch, which thrilled me, but they are too young to have much energy reserved in those tubers yet, so I don't foresee them surviving multiple false starts this spring. Well, some of them are sprouting already as well. Yikes!


Poor plants can’t figure out this climate change.

I am just worried about the cold fronts that keep rolling from the west so far they have skirted us but ....


We're starting to see it here, too, with swarms of robins (yes, unusual!) gathering nesting material. I also saw two hummers zipping around today. Very strange fall & early winter here!

I saw several Robin the other day also


And we had snow today, winter is just starting for us.



Very likely to be frozen this week . Forecast is for cold north weather , spreading across most of the US .

Cast1es Level 9 Dec 30, 2019

Yep. I found mosquito larvae swimming in our "winter" birdbath. Finches are paring up and building nests in our gourd-birdhouses. Spring bulbs are popping up. Magnolia is budding. And tonight.... snow flurries.....

Wow mosquito larvae already! Not good.


You have peaches , I love peaches , they don't do well down east I've tried .

Besalbub Level 8 Dec 30, 2019

Pretty good growing up here - the squirrels appreciate my work 😀

@Heidi68 I go to Merrells farm stand on 101 never had a bad one , from june to august bet I eat 2 bushels a season by my self several a day . Never buy from a grocery store . Nothing better than a good peach nothing worse than a bad peach ( mealy not sweet used to piss me off when I got a bad batch )

@Heidi68 Do they grow cherries in Wilkesboro I've heard they grow them near the VA NC border .

@Besalbub I don't think commercially but I have heard of a few people who have them


It looks like they are starting to open too, that could be trouble. The the peach has a chill requirement, so you may not set any fruit this year.

glennlab Level 10 Dec 30, 2019

Yeah - makes me sad....

[] FYI

If I thought I could I'd tent a tree up and AC it if it would give me good peaches .I go nuts over peaches almost better than sex . the farm stand I go to give me the ones that are almost over ripe for nothing that I eat before going home .

@Besalbub Single peach trees are notorious squirrel attractants. The amount of work involved for one is about half of what 10 require. Your trips to the farm are actually labor saving.

@glennlab Your right I would like to be able to eat them ripened on the tree I know than its more work than people think and there is a big learning curve . Farmers Know best .

@Besalbub We used to time our summer trips to visit the in laws for cherry/peach season in the Hood River OR area. The cherries and peaches they were selling at the farm were the ones that were too ripe to ship. They didn't believe i could finish off a lug (30 pounds) of cherries and a case of peaches (20 pounds) before they went bad. They also forgot that there were 9 people eating and not their normal 2.

@glennlab All the cherries I get in grocery stores come from N west coastal states . I'll get out there sometime to see the big trees , havn't been west of Tennessee .

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